Spring is filled with flowers, bright colors and fun. So take advantage of the season and start aflower gardenwith your family. Plant simple flower seeds to kick it off. Before you go shopping for seeds, sit down as a family and talk about the process and responsibilities of planting a g...
Winter is coming, and your local wildlife would love it as a treat. Leave them in the corner of your yard to let local deer, squirrels and chipmunks take care of what’s left of them. Where does trash go? This post tells you everything you should know!
If you’re tired of dealing with pesky mosquitoes and other annoying bugs, why not turn to nature for a solution? There are several plants you can add to your garden or patio that act as natural bug and mosquito repellents. Not only will these plants help keep bugs away, but they also...
For a playful and arty Easter, visit the lush grounds of this jewel of a château for one of the grandest egg hunts in Ile-de-France. This magnificent 17th century castle, only one hour from Paris, features a garden by Le Nôtre where the Château’s squirrels have hidden loads of...
high if you don’t want it to end up as a soup kitchen for all the local deer, as well as your feathered friends. (Some bird lovers claim that adding a baffle will deter hungry squirrels as well, but we’ve found that nothing truly deters a determined, wily, and very hungry ...
Squirrels and chipmunks will tidy up anything that falls. If you like larger animal visitors, consider putting up a hay feeder for deer. Toss some apple or carrot chunks in there to draw them in, and a salt lick to keep them coming back. ...
Squirrels are notorious for co-opting bird feeders and selfishly stealing the bird seed. If yourbird feederis supported by some kind of post, you can use WD-40 to keep those little rascals at bay! Just spray it onto the pole or post, which will make it too slippery for squirrels to cl...
The branches can also be used to edge the garden and the trunk can be strategically placed to provide the perfect rest stop for critters like birds and squirrels. You could also cut the trunk into miniature rounds and use them in an upright position to edge paths, beds or other garden fea...
If furry pests, like mice, rabbits, squirrels, and other rodents are problematic in your garden, you may have to consider using some cinnamon. As you probably know, cinnamon is a very strongly scented spice. Its strong-smelling oils often confuse the scent instincts of animals that run low ...
This denim rug also happens to be an IKEA hack. It is one of my favourite things I’ve made from old jeans and looks great on my wooden floors in the lounge. I’ve also used denim waistbands before to make aplanter for a repurposed felt succulent garden. ...