Keckiella ternata Keckiella ternata是植物界被子植物门木兰纲蔷薇亚纲菊超目唇形目车前科植物。
Keckiella rothrockii Keckiella rothrockii是植物界被子植物门木兰纲蔷薇亚纲菊超目唇形目车前科植物。
Keckiella cordifolia is a semi trailing shrub can leap up and through its neighbors. The Heartleaf Penstemon is great in the native landscape due to the late spring and summer blooming. The tubularred flowersstand out as the rest of the landscape goes dry for the Summer. Keckiella cordifolia...
UNII号 89953L9E17 化学名 KECKIELLA BREVIFLORA WHOLE 结构式图片 ITIS 33612 NCBI 155433 PLANTS KEBR GRIN 448716 扩展信息 VIP试用医疗器械查询APP下载客服中心常见问题数据可视化数据分析挖掘系统网站地图业务介绍友情链接 400-678-0778 投诉热线: (023) 6262 8397 邮箱: tousu@yaozh....
Keckiella cordifolia is native to dry slopes from 500 to 2000 feet in the coastal mountains of central and southern California to the west of the Diablo and Trembor Ranges and south of the Transverse Range from San Luis Obispo County and extending south into Baja California in both the coast...
Keckiella antirrhinoides Keckiella antirrhinoides是植物界被子植物门木兰纲蔷薇亚纲菊超目唇形目车前科植物。
Keckiella lemmonii Keckiella lemmonii是植物界被子植物门木兰纲蔷薇亚纲菊超目唇形目车前科植物。
Keckiella Straw (Scrophulariaceae) is a genus native to the California Floristic Province and the adjacent deserts. The seven species (which comprise eleven taxa) have radiated into most of the chaparral, sage scrub, and related ecotonal plant communities of the region. Although all species are ...
The major foliar phenolics of Keckiella ternata are quercetin 3-O-glucoside, kaempferol 3-O-glucoside, and acteoside (= orobanchin). The occurrence of flavonols in K. ternata is anomalous compared with other species of Keckiella and Penstemon, in which leaf flavonoids are based on luteolin an...
照片 关于 关闭打呵欠的钓钟柳Keckiella breviflora野花开花在优胜美地国家公园的,内华达山山,加利福尼亚. 图片 包括有 植物群, 工厂, 开花的 - 154252180