Keckiella cordifolia is a semi trailing shrub can leap up and through its neighbors. The Heartleaf Penstemon is great in the native landscape due to the late spring and summer blooming. The tubularred flowersstand out as the rest of the landscape goes dry for the Summer. Keckiella cordifolia...
PLANT GEOGRAPHY PLANT INDEX ALL PLANT LIST PLANT IMAGE INDEX PLANT INTROS SPECIALTY CROPS NEW 2025 PLANTS PRIME LIST for MARCH Weather Station Keckiella cordifolia 'Mountain Flare' - Orange Heartleaf Penstemon Note: This plant is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for infor...
Scrophulariaceaeflavonesflavonols6-hydroxyluteolinchemotaxonomyFoliar flavonoid aglycones consist of luteolin and 6-hydroxyluteolin in five species of Keckiella.Exceptional species are K. cordifolia, which contains only luteolin, and K.ternata, which contains the flavonols quercetin and kaempferol. These ...