Monster Stat Block(2025-02-06) Trap Generator(2025-01-30) Exploration Map(2025-01-27) D&D(2025-01-22) Campaign Notes(2025-01-19) Shout-out Become a patron D&D No Prep Modules- Need a quick one-shot adventure for DnD, or a ready module that can plug easily into your existing campaig...
Mountain Dwarf, Goliath, Earth Genasi, or Half-Orc. 15 HP, +10 HP per level.No armor, 14 AC.+1 Initiative.Saves:+5 STR, +5 CON Equipment:Items: Greatsword (+5, 2d6) if DPS, or Longsword (+5, 1d8) and Shield (+2 AC) if Tank, two handaxes, explorer's pack, 4 javelins,...
Two Player Adventure: Undead Snakes - A D&D 5e adventure for 1 player and 1 DM. A priest sends a note to the PC for help. His church has been getting attacked every night by undead snake monsters, but none of his holy power or undead wards have been working against them. Free Modul...
If you don't have premium you can still click attacks by setting the token's URL to a character sheet or monster statblock, click on their name to bring up the statblock, then click any clickable dice links in that new window. The dice results will be automatically added to chat, thou...
Druid.Transform into animals and control the elements of nature. Tanky (with animal forms), high utility and support, complicated to play. Fighter.The key to victory is attacking a lot with big weapons and wearing big armor. Tanky, high damage, simple to play. ...
DEX 10(+0) CON 10(+0) INT 10(+0) WIS 10(+0) CHA 10(+0) SensesPassivePerception10 LanguagesCommon PB+2 Challenge0 (10 XP) Actions Environments RolesMelee|Ranged|Mage|Tank|Support|Ambush|Fly|Swim|Pushy|AoE|Multiatk Save & Load ...