3. 在Accuracy Assessment对话框中,选择OA, Kappa and Specificity/Recall标签页。4. 选择Calculate Kappa Coefficient选项,并选择水体指数分类图像和参考图像(可以使用单击鼠标左键和按住CTRL键选择多个文件),以及分类的类别方式(text或color)。5. 单击Calculate按钮开始计算Kappa系数。6. 计算完成后,K...
It is shown that all of the arguments put forward for the use of the kappa coefficient in accuracy assessment are flawed and/or irrelevant as they apply equally to other, sometimes easier to calculate, measures of accuracy. Calls for the kappa coefficient to be abandoned from accuracy ...
11、or this probability the estimationlr) =唸字牛-胡*MAJWith this the kappa coefficient is defined aslcproportion of chance agreement. Note that the kappa coefficient may have negative values (whereas the other accuracy measures treated so far range between 0 and 1) and that K = 1 means per...
关键词:精度评价;Kappa系数;误差矩阵;干旱预测 中图分类号:TP79 文献标志码:A ApplicationofKappacoefi cienttoaccuracyassessmentsofdrought forecastingmodel:acasestudyofGuanzhongPlain XUWen.ning,WANGPeng.xin,HANPing,YANTai.1ai,ZHANGShu.yu (1.CollegeofInformationandElectricalEngineering,ChinaAgriculturalUniversity,...
The Kappa coefficient of agreement, suggested by Cohen[20]in 1960, will be calculated based onEquations 2to4, below: (2)K^=(p^0−p^e)/(1−p^e) (3)p^0=∑i=1rnii/n (4)p^e=∑i=1rni.*n.i/n2 Equations 2to4. Kappa Coefficient Calculation[20]. ...
The two methods yielded distinct results; while RAI showed strong correlations (ranging from 0.90 to 0.95) with other indices, its Kappa Coefficient values were significantly lower, ranging from 0.16 to 0.42. The correlation coefficient indicated strong relationships (r > 0.92) between SPEI and...
After more than a decade of working with these indices, we recommend that the profession abandon the use of Kappa indices for purposes of accuracy assessment and map comparison, and instead summarize the cross-tabulation matrix with two much simpler summary parameters: quantity disagreement and ...
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Assessment of Airway Visualization: Validation of the Percentage of Glottic Opening (POGO) Scale Inter- and intraphysician reliabilities were assessed using the kappa statistic (K) for MCL grade and intraclass correlation coefficient for the POGO scores... RM Levitan,EA Ochroch,S Kush,... - 《...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 基于Kappa系数的景观变化测度.PDF 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: /publication/287705459 Measuring spatial information changes using Kappa coefficients: A case ...