Kaplan-Meier Plotter Recent updates 2024.11.06.:A bug in the trichotomization process was corrected. 2024.11.01.:The "Restart" button in the custom plot page now returns to the previously uploaded data table. 2024.10.29.:The custom plot page now displays the time unit correctly in the plot...
1.打开Kaplan-Meier Plotter网站https://kmplot.com/analysis/ TP53是编码基因,因此我们应该选择mRNA。可以发现第一行是基于mRNA的基因芯片数据进行生存分析,但只有乳腺癌、卵巢癌、肺癌和胃癌可选;第二行是基于mRNA的RNA测序数据进行生存分析,其中乳腺癌和肝...
The KM plotter is capable to assess the effect of any gene or gene combination on survival in breast, ovarian, lung, gastric, colon, prostate, GBM, LGG, melanoma, DLBCL, RCC, AML, and 14 other tumor types using over 50,000 samples measured using gene arrays, RNA-seq or next generation...
Our aim was to develop an online Kaplan-Meier plotter which can be used to assess the effect of the genes on breast cancer prognosis.
2014.03.04.: NEW SERVER: we moved the entire KM-plotter to a new server computer. The new system has twice as many processors and RAM and is therefore a magnitude faster than the old one. However, because of re-installing the system, some bugs and broken links might remain in the pages...
Kaplan-Meier Plotter(http://kmplot.com/analysis/index.php?p=background)是常用的进行生存分析的网站,其数据来源于GEO、EGA、TCGA数据库,能够评估来自21种肿瘤的30000多个样本中所有基因的表达与患者生存率之间的相关性,从而发现和验证与生存相关的生物标志物。
零基础学习生存分析,Kaplan-Meier Plotter数据库是适合初学者的工具,其数据来源广泛,能评估基因与患者生存率的相关性,用于发现生物标志物。接下来,我们将通过探究TP53基因在肝癌患者中的表达与生存率关系,演示如何使用Kaplan-Meier Plotter进行生存分析。首先,访问Kaplan-Meier Plotter网站(http://km...
“Affy id/Gene symbol”处输入基因的ID,Kaplan-meier plotter数据库识别70, 632个基因符号(包括HUGO基因命名委员会批准的官方基因符号、以前的符号和别名——所有这些都列在结果页面中)。由于不同的基因名称可能重叠,Kaplan-meier plotter数据库建议交叉检查所选基因的ID; ...
1.首先打开Kaplan Meier plotter地址(http://kmplot.com/analysis/) 2.然后输入LAYN基因,Survival一栏选择根据条件可以选择OS、RFS、DMFS或PPS等生存因素 3.点击draw Kaplan Meier plot生成图片 4.得到含有HR和logrank P值的结果图: 今天的分享就到这里啦,希望能帮到苦心科研的你,我们下次再见!
Kaplan-Meier Plotter数据库是一个恶性肿瘤预后相关的在线分析数据库,可以评估54000多个基因表达对21种癌症类型预后的影响.在医学教学及科研中,可应用此数据库探索目标基因表达同相关肿瘤预后的关系,应用方便,高效.非小细胞肺癌(non-smal cel lung cancer,NSCLC)治疗已进入精准治疗时代,根据驱动基因突变或扩增情况选择...