阿育吠陀与体制判断 阿育吠陀的记载首次出现在公元前6000年印度古老的诗歌总集《梨俱吠陀》(Rig Veda)中,被誉为“印度医疗之母”。在第一个千年的早期,随着佛教东传,阿育吠陀医学也传播到东方,并对藏医学和传统中医草药学产生了巨大的影响。 《梨俱吠陀》(Rig Veda) 阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)是由两个词根组合而成...
Dinacharya 也指一种日常活动的安排典范,指引人们紧跟地球昼夜起伏,维持人体作息的良好运行,以保持最佳健康。 阿育吠陀生物钟(Ayurveda Dinacharya),以每4小时为一个时段,按顺序交替出现:卡法(Kapha),皮塔(Pitta)和 瓦塔(Vata)能量,时钟上的24小时一共分为6个时段。 卡法(Kapha)时段(6时—10时) 基础打开方式 ...
在阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)的观念中,人体因为不同的能量而分为三种不同的“督夏”(Doshas),意思是身体的能量分三种形态:瓦塔(Vata)、皮塔(Pitta)、卡法(Kapha),这三种不同的能量形态影响着我们的身体运作方式。 大部分的人都有两种混合的“督夏”(Doshas),而其中一种较为明显。较明显的“督夏”(Doshas)不只决...
全球的传统医学都会把人的体质划分为不同类型。无论是中国的中医,还是古印度阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)医学。 阿育吠陀医学认为:我们的身体如整个宇宙一般,都由五种元素:水、火、土、风、空所构成。这五种元素相互组合,又构成了三种主要的生命能量(称为Dosha,督夏)—— ...
In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing philosophy, our mental, emotional and physical well-being is determined by the dance of three magical energies known as doshas. These doshas, known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, govern our unique constitution and play
Over eight years ago Ayurveda came into my life and transformed not only how I felt in my body, but how I understand and experience myself on the deepest and most subtle level. I’m passionate to help as many people as I can open to the truth of who you are – deep peace, joy, ...
In the ancient Hindu medical system of Ayurveda a “dosha” is one of three bodily humors that makes up one’s constitution: vata, pitta, and kapha. Kapha dosha is the blend of water and earth. If you're dominate dosha is Kapha, you have a strong build and great stamina; you tend ...
阿育吠陀医生,瑜伽理疗师,精神医师,骨科医生等名号都无法完全概括Dr. Vinodkumar的专业和技能。阿育吠陀及瑜伽理疗领域之外,他还是一个认证的吠陀占星师,通过印度占星学理事会的Jyotishya Praveena认证课程。 阿育吠陀 ayurveda 培训课程 瑜伽养生休闲印度健康...
In Kapha Ayurveda, is one of the three fundamental principles in physiology It governs . and defensive mechanism of the body immune system and is responsible for the compactness of its body, and connection of joints and sustenance, sexual potency, strength, and patience is heavy, and unctuous ...