You can find information on any corporation or business entity in Kansas or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered. Use the links below to jump straight to the correct search page for Kansas or ...
Mailing Address:Secretary of State Business Services Division,302 West Washington Street,Room E018,Indianapolis, IN 46204. DIY Cost of Forming an LLC in Indiana ($95-100) The main LLC formation cost through the DIY route is the state filing fee of your Article of Organization. Currently, the...
Incorporate in Kansas like the pros and get free business address, mail forwarding & Privacy by Default® by hiring us to start your corporation.
The name and address of the registered agent you selected A written statement that details the company’s purpose and the nature of its business operations How to file Kansas articles of incorporation You can file your company’s articles of organization online at the Kansas Secretary of State we...
The article discusses a difference of opinion on illegal immigration in Kansas, with Secretary of State Kris Kobach and some Republican members of the state legislature opposed to business groups including the Kansas Chamber of Commerce who favor a guest-worker initiative for undocumented workers.King...
Reserving a name for your Kansas Company could reduce the processing time for your application to form a Kansas Corporation or LLC with the Kansas Secretary of State. Kansas Company Name Reservation protects a Business Name by giving the owner exclusive rights to the use of that Company Name ...
Taylor Overton, Director, Office of Small Business Development and Entrepreneurship, Department of Commerce, State of Kansas Amber Shultz, Secretary of Labor, State of Kansas Maria Thompson, State and Local Government Cyber Security Leader, Amazon Web Services 10:50 am Central Networking Break ...
Incorporate in Kansas like the pros and get free business address, mail forwarding & Privacy by Default® by hiring us to start your corporation.
Shopify’s business name guidelines explain your options further. Once you’ve settled on names, you must register them with the Kansas Secretary of State. Here’s how: Pick a name no one else has. Before you register a legal name, confirm that no other Kansas company has already picked ...
When it comes to business, Kansas is a top-ranking state that boasts a large, educated workforce. There are a lot of business opportunities for entrepreneurs in Kansas, and now can be a great time for you to take advantage. If you’re looking for a new business opportunity to seize in ...