You can find information on any corporation or business entity in Kansas or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered. Use the links below to jump straight to the correct search page for Kansas or ...
In the State of Kansas, no two businesses can register the same or "confusingly similar" names. Before you file any paperwork with the Kansas Secretary of State, remember to conduct a business name search to determine availability. Jot down one or two alternatives, in case the name you ...
You can visit Kansas’s official state website to check on Business Registry Search. Furthermore, one can also generate a name through an LLC Name Generator online. Step Two #2: Find a Registered Agent Another vital step is to find a reliable Registered Agent to form an LLC in KS. How...
First, use the Kansas Secretary of State’s Name Availability Search to see whether any business has registered your chosen name. You only need to search your exact name, as even minute differences are considered distinguishable. Certain terms (e.g. “association,”“LLC”) aren’t considered ...
Poitras was a handsome, part-time auto mechanic who had big plans to start a charter fishing boat business in Hamilton. Poitras and Nelson became lovers and she shared his dream of moving to Hamilton. However, her husband, Blake, presented an obvious obstacle. On the night of December 14,...
The article discusses a difference of opinion on illegal immigration in Kansas, with Secretary of State Kris Kobach and some Republican members of the state legislature opposed to business groups including the Kansas Chamber of Commerce who favor a guest-worker initiative for undocumented workers.King...
What is considered doing business in Kansas? How do I change my business address with the state of Kansas? How much does it cost to register a business name in Kansas? Who Must File ks annual report? Related Searches kansas secretary of state forms kansas form lc kansas ...
Kansas Department of Revenue - Your business Kansas Department of Revenue. File your state taxes online. Current K-40 tax form. Homestead information and form K-40H. Where is my refund. Make a tax payment. Name and address change. Payment plan request...
Georgia Republicans have advanced a bill requiring the secretary of state to leave a bipartisan group that lets states share data to keep accurate voter rolls Associated PressFeb. 18, 2025 FACT FOCUS: No Foul Play Suspected in ICE Van Fire in Philadelphia Social media users have ba...
significant business acumen (breadth and depth) and global technical expertise in critical systems/applications to support proactive technical solutioning for highly complex and varied business issues, while considering broader impacts of technical decisions to the current and future state business ...