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Business sector :glass production Phone no.:+86 532 82757907 8613853229077, 86053268601890 ADD.:
Refining system Kangdeli Intelligent technology CO., LTD Conderry's business team provides online consultation and after-sales service within 24 hours, and has provided a quick way to solve the problems encountered by customers and provide the most comp
Qingdao Kangdeli Industrial & Trading Co., Ltd. - Qingdao Kangdeli Industrial & Trading Co., Ltd. is a professional stone exporter and supplier with our own quarry and factory. We can process all sizes of granite, marble stone and sand stone. Also in acc
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嘉兴市康得利卫生用品有限公司 嘉兴南湖区康得利卫生用品厂,位于中共一大会址之畔-嘉兴南湖区,是一家专业生产销售工作服、医用服装、布巾、床上用品等的企业。本厂多年来始终坚持“诚实,守信,质量第一”的企业宗旨,采用抗菌,防皱,防污,抗静电特点的新一代医院专用环保型面料。为各大医院广大客户提供各类被服,卫生用...
Soybean Milk Machine Supplier, Soybean Production Machine, Soybean Milk Machine Line Manufacturers/ Suppliers - Beijing Kangdeli Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Kangdeli Industrial & Trading Co. Ltd - Professional supplier of processed glass products for 15 years - China acid etched glass, patterned glass manufacturer, exporter, wholesaler verified by Global Sources.
康得利食品有限公司位于河南省许昌市榆林乡南经济开发区,南临许午公路,北临大颖河--水源丰富,东临柏冢名镇,西临曹操练兵台,很有考古旅游价值。地理位置优越,交通便利。公司历史悠久,是一家集产品研制、开发、生产、销售为一体的食品生产企业。 从04年开始,再次投入资金近2000万元,用于扩大再生产,公司现有大型自动...
Laminated Glass Supplier, Tempered Glass, Float Glass Manufacturers/ Suppliers - Qingdao Kangdeli Industrial & Trading Co., Ltd.