1、尽可能尝试多的模型进行融合而不是单独强调某一个模型得分最高,减少微调时间。(EfficientNet architectures, Resnet, ResNext, Xception, ViT, DeiT, Inception and MobileNet)(trained on Imagenet, NoisyStudent, Plantvillage, iNaturalist) 2、Overall, we can conclude that the key to victory was the use ...
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Plant disease dataset
Kaggle is the world’s largest data science community with powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your data science goals.
Testing Dataset for Plant Disease Classification Dataset
Dataset Description Given a photo of an apple leaf, can you accurately assess its health? This competition will challenge you to distinguish between leaves which are healthy, those which are infected with apple rust, those that have apple scab, and those with more than one disease. Files ...