dataset_test = create_dataset(name='Cassava Leaf Disease Classification', root=current_dir, split='test', download=True, shuffle=True, num_samples=1000) # 对数据集中的图像应用变换 dataset_train =, input_columns=["image"]) dataset_test = datase...
"F": 6, "G": 7, "U": 8} data = [train_df, test_df] for dataset in data: dataset['Cabin'] = dataset['Cabin'].fillna("U0") dataset['Deck'] = dataset['Cabin'].map(lambda x: re.compile("([A-Z]+)").search(x).group()) dataset['Deck'] = dataset['Deck'].map(deck)...
which accounts for 31% of all deaths worldwide. Heart failure is a common event caused by CVDs. People with cardiovascular disease or who are at high cardiovascular risk (due to the presence of one or more risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia...
Cassava Leaf Disease Classification 比赛链接: 比赛介绍:Identify the type of disease present on a Cassava Leaf image 比赛类型:图像分类 人数/队伍数/提交数:5335/834/5335 组队截止:20210211 比赛截止:20210218 Featur...
kaggle实战:机器学习建模预测肾脏疾病 本文是针对kaggle上面一份肾脏疾病数据的建模 原数据集地址: 结果 先看看最终的结果对比: KNN是分数最低的;LGBM第一。一般在kaggle,分类问题LGBM高频使用,且效果一般都比较好 ...
X_sub = data_all.loc[data_sub.index][feature] #提取测试数据特征y_sub = votingC.predict(X_sub) #使用模型预测数据标签result = pd.DataFrame({'PassengerId':data_sub.index,'Survived':y_sub})result.to_csv(r'D:\[DataSet]\1_Titanic\submission.csv', index=False)...
7、Dataset defrand_bbox(size,lam):W=size[0]H=size[1]cut_rat=np.sqrt(1.-lam)*cut_rat)*cut_rat)# uniformcx=np.random.randint(W)cy=np.random.randint(H)bbx1=np.clip(cx-cut_w//2,0,W)bby1=np.clip(cy-cut_h//2,0,H)bbx2=np.clip(cx+cut...
I used the HP Z8 G4 workstation and ZBook in the NFL 1st and Future - Impact Detection competition that ended last month (Jan. 2021) and our team finished in 3rd place. And now (Feb. 2021) I'm using them for another Kaggle competition: Cassava Leaf Dise... 结果 先看看最终的结果对比: KNN是分数最低的;LGBM第一。一般在kaggle,分类问题LGBM高频使用,且效果一般都比较好 树模型中,以决策树为基础,效果都有所提升。
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