Kaggle-数据分析竞赛:House Price Prediction官网链接 参赛情况 参赛时间 2020-05 最终结果(均方根误差RMSE) 0.115 竞赛排名 前10% 项目python代码notebook https://www.kaggle.com/yzh094/my-house-p
Kaggle: House Price Prediction Data Processing and Feature Extration Approchs Trial 1: Droped 'Id'. One hot encoded all none neumerical features. Replace all none neumerical features Nan with 'None' and one hot encoded them. Filled all neumerical data Nan with means of the column. Schewe...
在kaggle上找了另外一个大佬的Solution,和我的差不多,但是别人的够专业。 回归问题还是要看看label的分布是什么: sns.set_style("white")sns.set_color_codes(palette='deep')f,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(8,7))sns.distplot(train['SalePrice'],color='b')ax.xaxis.grid(False)ax.set(ylabel='Frequency'...
我之前念的虽然是data analytics专业的本科,但在国外课堂上学到的东西实用性并没有那么强,所以很早就参加了Kaggle项目,包括data pre-processing,feature engineering,machine learning modelsoptimization,ensemble and stacking strategies等实际操作技能、以及优化Prediction的各种相关技巧都非常实用! 项目结束后,我立刻将Kaggle...
2. House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques(房价预测)中文教程:Kaggle竞赛 — 2017年房价预测 英...
In fact, if you look at theNotebook of winners, you can often see that they used the latest technology or used a different solution than theshared notebook. Rule of Competitions Competitions in Kagglesometimes have specific rules. This is becauseCompetitionsare usually hosted by a company or ...
Solution: # using data read from home_data.describe()avg_lot_size=10517newest_home_age=11 Think About Your Data The newest house in your data isn't that new. A few potential explanations for this: 1. They haven't built new houses where this data was collected. 1. The data was collec...
The Solution — Random Forest In ML, we often design meta-models which combine the prediction of several smaller models to generate a better final prediction. This is generally called‘ensembling’. Specifically, several decision trees are often combined together in...
A pected the location of the unit does have a relatively high correlation with the sale price. During the competition several participants shared their ysis on how to yze the importance of Latitude/Longitude for the price prediction model. # Creating some features from the dataset, that we ...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from House Prices - Advanced Regression Techniques