The leader epochinthe request is older than the epoch on the broker--Partition $topicPartition markedasfailed 解决方法 说明 当前分区的Leader的epoch比Broker的epoch老 所以导致follow去fetchleader的时候报错; 只要重新发生一下Leader选举就行了; 2. 修改Broker.id出现异常 代码语言:javascript 复制 Configured ...
8. 版本信息不对 日常运维 问题排查 怎么能够少了滴滴开源的 滴滴开源LogiKM一站式Kafka监控与管控平台 1. Leader的epoch过时 The leader epoch in the request is older than the epoch on the broker -- Partition $topicPartition marked as failed 1. 2. 3. 4...
【摘要】 @[TOC]日常运维问题排查怎么能够少了滴滴开源的滴滴开源LogiKM一站式Kafka监控与管控平台 1. Leader的epoch过时The leader epoch in the request is older than the epoch on the broker--Partition $topicPartition marked as failed解决方法说明 当前分区的Lead... @[TOC] 日常运维 问题排查 怎么能够...
The leader epoch in the request is older than the epoch on the broker -- Partition $topicPartition marked as failed 解决方法 说明 当前分区的Leader的epoch比Broker的epoch老 所以导致follow去fetchleader的时候报错; 只要重新发生一下Leader选举就行了; 2. 修改Broker.id出现异常 Configured 0 do...
The leader epoch in the request is older than the epoch on the broker--Partition $topicPartition marked as failed说明 当前分区的Leader的epoch比Broker的epoch老所以导致follow去fetchleader的时候报错;只要重新发生一下Leader选举就行了;... kafka
* the group are marked as failed, and complete this operation to proceed rebalance with * the rest of the group. */private[group]classDelayedJoin(coordinator:GroupCoordinator, group:GroupMetadata, rebalanceTimeout:Long)extendsDelayedOperation(rebalanceTimeout,Some(group.lock)){overridedeftryComplete()...
PartitionStateMachine:负责定义 Kafka 分区状态、合法的状态转换,以及管理状态之间的转换。无论是主题、分区,还是副本,它们在 Kafka 中的生命周期通常都有多个状态。而这 3 个状态机,就是来管理这些状态的。而如何实现正确、高效的管理,就是源码要解决的核心问题。今天,我们先来学习 TopicDeletionManager,看一下...
topicone is markedfordeletion. 增加分区 代码语言:javascript 复制 // 增加分区数[root@localhost kafka_2.12-2.2.1]# bin/ localhost:2181--topic topicone--partitions3WARNING:If partitions are increasedfora topic that has a key,the partition logic or orderingofthe mes...
删除topic ./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --delete --topic mytest 5.1 如果kafaka启动时加载的配置文件中server.properties没有配置delete.topic.enable=true,那么此时的删除并不是真正的删除,而是把topic标记为:marked for deletion 输入如下命令查看: ./bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper ...
Custom partition mapping pattern: You can create a subclass of FlinkKafkaPartitioner to configure a custom partition mapping pattern, such as org.mycompany.MyPartitioner. The delivery semantics for the Kafka sink table. STRING No at-least-once Valid values: none: The deliv...