俄罗斯 Ka-52「短吻鳄」(Alligator)攻击直升机逃生系统启动的画面。可以看到两名并列乘坐的乘员被同时弹射而出,透过系统的助推火箭偏转,将两名成员的弹射路径分离开来,避免在空中相撞。俄罗斯「卡莫夫」(Kamov)设计局制造的Ka-50/52 攻击直升机是世界上首款在机上配置逃生系统的旋翼机,其机上配置了一套由「星辰科...
About the Ka-52 Alligator - All Weather Attack Helicopter: A twin-seat follow-on to the Ka-50 attack helicopter, the Ka-52 Alligator is an all-weather attack helicopter utilized by the Russian Air Force. First taking to the skies in 1997, the Ka-52 is heavily armed and prepared to ...
俄Ka-52“短吻鳄”狠咬豹2坦克,成了乌克兰坦克猎手 最近有一部电影显示,俄罗斯的卡莫夫(Kamov)Ka-52「短吻鳄」(Alligator)攻击直升机似乎已经成为乌克兰坦克的头号杀手。这部电影显示了南顿内茨克(Donetsk)在战场上,它发射了空射反坦克导弹(ATGM),两辆乌克兰坦克被摧毁。据《欧亚时报》报道(TheEurAsian...
Ka-52 Alligator is an all-weather attack helicopter operated by the Russian Air Force. Developed by Kamov Design Bureau (part of Russian Helicopters), Ka-52 is a twin-seat variant of the Ka-50 attack helicopter. The Ka-52 is a highly manoeuvrable helicopter that can destroy enemy armoured...
Ka-52 “Alligator” Ka-52 “061”, Zhukovski, 2009 In the early 1980s, while comparative tests of the V-80 (Ka-50 prototype) and the Mi-28 were being conducted, the Kamov design team came up with a proposal to develop a dedicated helicopter to conduct battlefield reconnaissance, provide...
又一架Ka-52攻击直升机芭比Q了! 6月 26 日,乌克兰防空武装部队第79 独立空降突击旅,尼古拉耶夫空降突击部队从伊格拉 MANPADS ,击落了一架俄罗斯侦察和攻击直升机 Ka-52“Alligator”。
迄今为止已有40架俄罗斯KA-52 被击落 最新一架俄罗斯 KA-52 ‘Alligator ’ 在乌克兰南部Robotyne 被乌军 47旅士兵用 MANPADS 击落。 英国国防部表示,开战至今,已共有40 架 KA-52 被击落。