如果你已经比较厉害了,使用引诱器可以去尝试攻击SAM导弹发射器,这样会得到勋章。 任务二:Alligator Alley 任务简报:某国际组织传来消息,称敌方将有一支强有力的支援部队到来,以缓解他们北线的压力。上级命令马上出击,迅速找到该支援部队的位置,并将他们消灭。消息说敌方拥有比较强的空中力量,我方预测战斗将在高空展开。
Ka-52 “Alligator” Ka-52 “061”, Zhukovski, 2009 In the early 1980s, while comparative tests of the V-80 (Ka-50 prototype) and the Mi-28 were being conducted, the Kamov design team came up with a proposal to develop a dedicated helicopter to conduct battlefield reconnaissance, provide...
Ka-52 Team Alligator screenshots:Eastern Europe: a war-torn segment of a continent desperately needing intervention -- you are the one chosen to be that interloper. You man the cockpit of a highly advanced, top-secret, Russian gun-ship, the Ka-52 Alligator. It has some of the most comple...
Silbergeld, David LL
KA-52 Team Alligator 玩家短评 玩家长评 写短评 全部 好评 差评 筛选玩过认证玩家 推荐 更多筛选 游戏标签 现代战争
玩家评价《KA-52鳄鱼直升机中队》 游客987654321Lv12 在PC平台玩过 2019-02-06 23:12 哈哈哈,因为按键太多飞机就没走过直线。。。 回复
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The requirement for developing a dedicated landing deck-capable derivative of the Alligator in the late 2000s was an unexpected turn for the Ka-52 programme, although Sergey Mikheev asserted that during the design phase of the Ka-50 in the early 1980s, the team had already worked up a set...
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