7221 2015 New box Ka-27 Helix A Submarine Hunter Helicopter Российскийпротиволодочныйвертолет "Морскойохотник" Zvezda 1:727214 2013 New box Kamov Ka-29 Helix-B Italeri 1:72076 1997 New decals ...
The Kamov Ka-27 (NATO reporting name ‘Helix’) is a military helicopter developed for the Soviet Navy, and currently in service in various countries including Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea (South Korea), and India. Variants include the Ka-29 assau...
The Kamov Ka-27 Helix is a military helicopter developed for the Soviet Navy, and currently in service in various countries such as Russia,&nbs...
The Ka-27 (NATO Codename: Helix) was designed as an anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and utility helicopter for use aboard Soviet Navy vessels, similar to the Kaman SH-2 Seasprite. Designed by the Kamov Experimental Design Bureau (OKB), the Ka-27 was the successor to the Ka-25 (NATO Coden...
3D 模型 产品规格 13,979 多边形 Polygonal Quads/Tris 几何 纹理 物料 UV映射 non-overlapping 未包装UV 产品编号:1547531 Apr 24, 2020 来自ES3DStudios 2286个产品 自2002起 24 Kamov Ka-28 (NATO reporting name Helix) shipboard helicopter of the Chinese Navy. Single 4096x4096 diffuse texture map, pl...
3D型卡通低多边形直升机(3D model Cartoon Low Poly Helicopter) 飞机 79款 派珀帕-18 超级俱乐部(Piper PA-18 Supercub) 飞机 79款 乙-24 解放者(B-24 Liberator) 飞机 79款 波音787 8_1_(Boeing 787 8_1_) 飞机 79款 卷云.OBJ(Cirrus.obj) 飞机 79款 安东诺夫A-15 滑翔机...
卡-27直升机(英文:Ka-27 Helicopter,北约代号:Helix,译文:蜗牛),是苏联研制的一型军用直升机。卡-27直升机是为苏联海军研制的军用直升机。卡-27直升机由苏联卡莫夫设计局研制,在俄罗斯,乌克兰,越南,韩国,印度,中国全部有使用。发展沿革 卡莫夫- 27(简称卡-27,北约代号 “蜗牛”,“Helix”),...