On his first coaxial helicopter, Ka-8, Nikolay Kamov implemented his patent of 1946 "Helicopter Rotor". Later the control system of coaxial helicopter was improved and in 1953 when Ka-15 was designed it had a rotor system which became the basic system and was used on Ka-25, Ka-26, Ka...
The Kamov Ka-27 is a military helicopter that was developed for the Soviet Navy and is still used by several countries today - English
KAMOV Ka-32 Helicopter Gearbox, BP-252 Manual -( Russian Language ) - Disclaimer:This item is sold for historical and reference Only. These are either ORIGINAL or COPIES of manuals and blueprints used when these aircraft were in active duty, now transferred into electronic format. This manuals...
仙猫藏图超话Russian helicopter Kamov Ka-32A11BC.俄罗斯直升机卡莫夫卡-32A11BC。———视频为鄂尔多斯市警航的卡-32A11BC。2011年7月26日,据中国政府采购网公示,经过2个多月的谈判,鄂尔多斯市公安局警用直升机采购项目(第二标段)竞争性谈判成交,俄罗斯直升机股份公司中标,将于预付款后12个月内交付一架10吨级...
摘要: The certification of the modernized Kamov Ka-32 utility helicopter is expected to be completed in December 2022, according to Sergey Astapenkov from Mil and the Kamov National Helicopter Center. Astapenko spoke Feb. 10 at the NAIS 2022 aviation infrastructure exhibition here. 年份: 2022 收...
Russian Helicopters created the Ka-52 Alligator using cutting-edge Russian aviation technologies, state-of-the-art avionics and weaponry, and composite materials, while ensuring a high degree of flight safety. The helicopter has successfully passed all o
Russia Ties Up Indian AEW Deal.(Kumertau Aircraft Factory may deliver first Kamov Ka-31 airborne-early-warning helicopter to Indian Navy)(Brief Article)Streetly, Martin
其承载能力达到20吨,最高设计速度为500-550公里/小时。 在 Ka-35D 上,两台涡轮喷气发动机与带有旋转叶片重叠盘的转子驱动一起使用。 后部货舱口坡道用于装卸设备。 在移动单元的机头有一门遥控加农炮。 kamov-ka-35-concept-helicopter 公里卡莫发动机炮直升机 ...