13 现在已经解决了,我是重新截面然后加真空层再提交没有问题了,但是和之前的POSCAR还有KPOINTS差别不大...
升级成为会员 «服务器节点故障(DOWN) »PBS和Slurm查看作业详细信息相关命令 posted @2022-08-05 10:43银月照残阳阅读(3182) 评论(0)编辑 昵称:银月照残阳 园龄:2年11个月 粉丝:0 关注:0 +加关注 <2025年1月> 日一二三四五六 2930311234
错误1:VERY BAD NEWS! Internal error in subroutine IBZKPT: Reciprocallattice and k-lattice belong todi错误1:VERY BAD NEWS! Internal error in subroutine IBZKPT: Reciprocal lattice and k-lattice belong todifferent class of lattices. Often results are still useful... 48 Internal内部 subroutine...
2, No. 6, pp 768-782 (1971) Pressure-Strain and Pressure-Volume Relationships in the Crystal Lattice of Polyethylene at 293°K Taisuke ITo and Harumasa MARur* Departme:1! of Dyeing, Faculty of Industrial Arts, Kyoto University of Industrial Arts and Textile Fibers, Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku,...