1.8. Each reciprocal lattice point and several important directions are also labeled in Fig. 1.8. Note that the primitive unit mesh has been used for the centered rectangular lattice. The choice of the non-primitive mesh results in different unit mesh vectors in both real and reciprocal space;...
A device for drawing the undistorted reciprocal lattice of the rectangular coordinates of the reflections of x-ray goniometer - receiving seats to be white bergSEEMANN DR HANS
The novel all-optical unidirectional wavelength filters are studied by the finite-difference time-domain method, which are based on the two-dimensional square-lattice photonic crystal with the rectangular defects. Owing to the modes' match and mismatch between the defect and the adjacent waveguides, ...
Physics 927 E.Y.Tsymbal Section 2: X-ray Diffraction and Reciprocal Lattice Bragg law. Most methods for determinin..
As the name implies, the reciprocal lattice has dimensions and features which are “inverse” to those of the real lattice. In rectangular coordinates long dimensions in real space appear rotated 90° and areshortened in inverse proportion within the reciprocal space. The relation between b1 and ...
Unidirectional devices that pass acoustic energy in only one direction have numerous applications and, consequently, have recently received significant attention. However, for most practical applications that require unidirectionality at audio and low fr
LatticeSize->Int (default: 16. Number of unit cells in all directions assumed for periodic boundary conditions) ClippingStyle->[Automatic|None] (default:Automatic. Choosing Automatic clips the parametrization to the Brillouin zone. Choosing None clips the parametrization to a rectangular bounding box ...
Non-reciprocal transmission of motion is potentially highly beneficial to a wide range of applications, ranging from wave guiding to shock and vibration damping and energy harvesting. To date, large levels of non-reciprocity have been realized using broken spatial or temporal symmetries, yet mostly ...
The Minkowski functional ∥∥ U ofU, the polar bodyU 0, the dual latticeL *, the covering radius μ(L, U), and the successive minima λ i (L,U)i=1,...,n, are defined in the usual way. Let ℒ n be the family of all lattices inR n . Given a pairU,V of convex bodies...
device for drawing the undistorted reciprocal lattice from the rectangular coordinates of the reflexes of roentgengoniometer recordings by wasSEEMANN DR HANS