U-Pb ages of shocked zircon grains link distal K-Pg boundary sites in Spain and Italy with the Chicxulub impact. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 310, 401-408.Kamo, S.L., Lana. C., Morgan, J.V., (2011) U-Pb ages of shocked zircon grains link distal K-Pg 632 boundary sites in Spain...
在地质学中,有一条非常有名的线,叫做K-Pg界线,也叫白垩纪-古近纪界线(Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary)。在全世界几乎所有地方,只要地层没有被破坏,我们都可以找到这条界线。在多数情况下,K-Pg界线是由一层薄薄的岩石组成。那么,这一条窄窄的地质线,有......
在未来如果开放时光旅行,也许,白垩海会成为新的热门景点吧。 如果有机会,恋恋准备开个新坑,就叫Sailing across the K-Pg boundary:穿越K-Pg界线的航行。 当然,基本会懒掉... 说实话,K-pg灭绝这样一看影响真的小,要是做二叠纪,恋恋相信,红字大概要占到一半以上... 最后,这么多的分类难免有地方弄错,请各位尽...
Zn isotopes used in ore deposit genesis and K-Pg boundary 3922 01:03:00 Ag and Sb isotopes in ore deposits 4978 45:00 Integrated isotopic approaches with stable metal isotopes 2283 52:00介绍 标签 直播海报(共1张)直播标题 矿产资源强国论坛第三期|Zn Isotopes In Ore Deposits 第4讲 ...
1]The discovery of large amounts of soot in clays deposited at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary and linked to the ~65Ma Chicxulub impact crater led to the hypothesis that major wildfires were a consequence of the asteroid impact. Subsequently, several lines of evidence, including the...
Martinez-Diaz, J.L., Phillips, G.E., Nyborg, T., Espinosa, B., Tavora, V.A., Centeno-Garcia, E., and Vega, F.J., 2016, Lilliput effect in a retroplumid crab (Crustacea: Decapoda) across the K/Pg boundary: Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 69, p. 11-24....
Noncharred organics in K-Pg boundary layer No fires at sites with noncharred organics Most surviving K-Pg boundary sediments were deposited under water that sheltered organics from charring No anomalous post-impact erosion No removal of vegetation by fires at sampling sites Rainfall was suppressed;...
Attempt was made to retrieve palynomorph and calcareous nannofossil from samples retrieved from first down-hole shale occurrence in three contiguous basins (Anambra, Bida and Benin Basins) in Nigeria with a view to determining their ages, paleoecology and the K-Pg boundary. A total of one hundr...
Although polyploidy in legumes prior to the K/Pg boundary may have helped them survive that event, it is also possible that the severe environmental changes and stresses that caused mass extinctions at the K/Pg boundary also triggered widespread genomic changes, including legume polyploidy. This ...