U-Pb ages of shocked zircon grains link distal K-Pg boundary sites in Spain and Italy with the Chicxulub impact. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 310, 401-408.Kamo, S.L., Lana. C., Morgan, J.V., (2011) U-Pb ages of shocked zircon grains link distal K-Pg 632 boundary sites in Spain...
在地质学中,有一条非常有名的线,叫做K-Pg界线,也叫白垩纪-古近纪界线(Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary)。在全世界几乎所有地方,只要地层没有被破坏,我们都可以找到这条界线。在多数情况下,K-Pg界线是由一层薄薄的岩石组成。那么,这一条窄窄的地质线,有......
在未来如果开放时光旅行,也许,白垩海会成为新的热门景点吧。 如果有机会,恋恋准备开个新坑,就叫Sailing across the K-Pg boundary:穿越K-Pg界线的航行。 当然,基本会懒掉... 说实话,K-pg灭绝这样一看影响真的小,要是做二叠纪,恋恋相信,红字大概要占到一半以上... 最后,这么多的分类难免有地方弄错,请各位尽...
Thus, the rare places where the terrestrial K-Pg boundary can be precisely identified by iridium, spherules, and other evidence are exactly the locations that were not affected by erosion but rather are depositional environments. Moreover, as discussed below, rainfall was likely strongly suppressed ...
Sn Isotope From Ores To Artifacts 1时1分 2792播放 Zn isotopes used in ore deposit genesis and K-Pg boundary 1时3分 3923播放 Ag and Sb isotopes in ore deposits 45分钟 4978播放 Integrated isotopic approaches with stable metal isotopes 52分钟 2283播放服务器开小差了呢,请稍后再试~...
1]The discovery of large amounts of soot in clays deposited at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary and linked to the ~65Ma Chicxulub impact crater led to the hypothesis that major wildfires were a consequence of the asteroid impact. Subsequently, several lines of evidence, including the...
Attempt was made to retrieve palynomorph and calcareous nannofossil from samples retrieved from first down-hole shale occurrence in three contiguous basins (Anambra, Bida and Benin Basins) in Nigeria with a view to determining their ages, paleoecology and the K-Pg boundary. A total of one hundr...
Martinez-Diaz, J.L., Phillips, G.E., Nyborg, T., Espinosa, B., Tavora, V.A., Centeno-Garcia, E., and Vega, F.J., 2016, Lilliput effect in a retroplumid crab (Crustacea: Decapoda) across the K/Pg boundary: Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 69, p. 11-24....
Strikingly, a majority of these duplications date somewhere between 55 and 75 million years ago (mya), and thus likely correlate with the K/Pg boundary. If true, this would suggest that plants that had their genome duplicated at that time, had an increased chance to survive the most recent...