2.1.841 Part 1 Section 18.14.5, definedName (Defined Name) 2.1.842 Part 1 Section 18.14.8, externalLink (External Reference) 2.1.843 Part 1 Section 18.14.9, oleItem (Object Link Item) 2.1.844 Part 1 Section 18.14.11, oleLink (Generic Object Link Connection) 2.1.845 Par...
2.1.841 Part 1 Section 18.14.5, definedName (Defined Name) 2.1.842 Part 1 Section 18.14.8, externalLink (External Reference) 2.1.843 Part 1 Section 18.14.9, oleItem (Object Link Item) 2.1.844 Part 1 Section 18.14.11, oleLink (Generic Object Link Connection) 2.1.845 Part ...
X++ code resides in XML files that define classes, tables, forms, and other objects. These files are part of the application model’s metadata and appear in Visual Studio as X++ objects. Class Definition: Found as an XML file under \Classes\MyClass.xml. Table Definition: Found as an XML...
Definition Namespace: Windows.Foundation.Collections Edit Represents an associative collection, also known as a map or a dictionary. .NETThis interface appears to .NET code asSystem.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>due to .NET language projection. In any case where a Windows Runtime type...
Definition Namespace: Windows.Foundation.Collections Edit Represents an associative collection, also known as a map or a dictionary. .NETThis interface appears to .NET code asSystem.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>due to .NET language projection. In any case where a Windows Runtime type...
Definition Namespace: System.Collections.Generic Assembly: System.ServiceModel.dll Provides a thread-safe collection that contains objects of a type specified by a generic parameter and that are grouped by keys. C#Copy [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)]publicabstractclassSynchronizedKeyedCol...
Message: unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist Host info: host: 'lenovoy40-1', ip: '' Build info: version: '4.10.0', revision: 'c14d967899' System info: os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '5.4.0-150-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_161'...
Using YAML, the task definition filemem_template_task.yamlappears as follows: Example: A task definition file in YAML template-id:generic_mean_alertdbrps:-db:telegrafrp:autogenvars:measurement:type:stringvalue:memgroups:type:listvalue:-type:starvalue:"*"field:type:stringvalue:used_percentwarn:typ...
DefinitionNamespace: Windows.Foundation.Collections Edit Represents an associative collection, also known as a map or a dictionary. .NET This interface appears to .NET code as System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue> due to .NET language projection. In any case where a Windows Run...
Fixes bug where Driver Station would use generic 20% deadzone for Xbox360 and Logitech F310 gamepads when Advanced Gamepad Features was disabled. Added SimpleOmniDrive sample OpMode. Adds UVC white balance control API. Fixesissue #259Most blocks samples for TensorFlow can't be used for a differ...