WAR on Terrorism, 2001CRUSADESLIBERTYDEMOCRACYTOTALITARIANISM(Rowman and Littlefield, 2007). Fiala is also the general editor of the journal, Philosophy in the Contemporary World.doi:10.1080/10402650701353604FialaAndrewTaylor & Francis GroupPeace Review...
In the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, when no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet sprung up—for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no one to till the ground; but a stream would ...
At its height, Islam claimed 29 countries or territories, including major portions of Asia, Africa, and Europe, in the 8th and 9th centuries before the retribution of the Crusades began in the late 9th century (lasting through the earliest part of the 13th century). The Crusades did not lea...
the Brazilian firestarter, the cruel Israeli landlord, and the Chinese president-for life, who wandered from dressing room to dressing room of the Beauty Pageants of America, wondering what pussy to grab next, leaving no trace of heart, who cut deals in golfcarts golfcarts golfcarts racketeerin...
But now I see they were paying tribute to us — Bjorn Ulvaeus 2 My mother as a young girl went out with a young SS officer and she didn't really know what was going on - she just liked the uniform. When he told her about the things that he did, she was disgusted and broke up...
Most of their stories, like that one about that zephyr of doom, have sad endings. But there is an immense pride among the players who took part in those ill-fated crusades, a bond despite the bungles that ties them all to each other. The Jets on Monday introduced new head coach Aaron...
What is it? Inspired by Allburp Einswine, it’s a combination of the word “science” and “swine”, pronounced swai nence, used as hate speech against poor, infinitely gassed with insecticide rat-faced kaix getting their sixth homes in switzerland smashed with pedal-powered skull-crushers ...
Chapter What Were the Crusades? pp 9-27 A Just Cause Jonathan Riley-SmithAffiliated with Abstract By the middle of the thirteenth century Christian writers were generally in agreement that the just cause for a war must be defensive and their views prevail today. It is just to defend one...
While millions of children would probably hate to hear that the first real potential glimpse of Santa Claus lies in a grave, what archaeologists have discovered isn’t the sweet story you’d expect about St. Nick.
These people may be in different stages of denial or employing different degrees of deception when it comes to admitting their Fascist allegiances, but they all draw from the same pool of half-baked atavistic notions and gladly share what they find, disagreeing only in points of detail (and ...