Harry Howard tells Premier Unbelievable how a surprising school lesson changed his mind about God, and why the church should try reaching young people with ancient forms of worship. Could Christianity be good for society even if it’s not true? 19 September 2024 Recently a number of public int...
ranging from pure information about the Wold Newton Universe (such as Lou Mougin'sThe Continuing Crossovers Affairand Brad Mengel'sThe Edson Connection), to more speculative pieces (such as Chuck Loridans'The Daughters of Tarzan), to a mixture a both. The presence of an article on these page...
This grand war and protection demonstration has not been equaled since the days of the Crusades. It is indeed a campaign of surprise if not of reprisal, for it has taken the citizens of Warsaw by surprise, and we opine that the Mormons are equally as much confounded to know what all ...
When we talk about Celtic religion, we must define what we are talking about. Precisely put, we are talking about religious beliefs, practices and world views that existed in Gaelic and other Celtic cultures, as these developed as natural manifestations within the cultures. While this woudl incl...
It is one of the few spiritual songs, that were sung at Latgalian weddings.The author of the article finds it essential to search for originals of spiritual songs, because their absence would allow writers to think about the poet’s talent and would enable to see some creative sparkle. Text...
King Arthur, the “once and future king”, is one of the most enduring figures of British myth and legend. Most commonly known as a fifth-century warrior who supposedly led the fight against Saxon invaders, King Arthur is a composite of layers of different legends, written by different autho...
The loads had returned to their castles from the crusades, and there the ideals of chivalry grew up, which emphasized the virtue and gentleness of women and demanded that a knight should profess a pure and dedicated love to a lady who would be his valiant deeds, though he would never come...
· The Roman coins of EARLY Christianity, including those of Saint Constantine and Saint Helena · Jesus Christ portrait coins of medieval era from around the time of the Crusades and even Crusader coins ABOUT PRESENTER: Lecture presented by ILYA ZLOBIN, a world-renowned ancient coin expert, enth...
Apple products promotion crusades appear to work very well as an ever increasing number of individuals are changing from Windows PCs to Macs. With that, they frequently have a need to convey their mail over to the new stage. Outlook is the most well-known email customer for Windows. OLM ...
Two computational methods based on the Ising model were implemented for studying temporal dynamic in co-authorship networks: an interpretative for real networks and another for simulation via Monte Carlo. The objective of simulation networks is to evaluate if the Ising model describes in similar way ...