-- In November, Elkhart County residents will start to see new jury summons post cards in their mailboxes and county officials say those new-look cards are legitimate. "The postcard, pictured above, will be printed and mailed by Maple Leaf Printing in Goshen ... and contain a date the...
Adams County Detectives said the scammer texts the original summons to the victim which shows a document with the victim's name and "Summons to appear to complete juror qualification form." The investigation shows that the victim is then told there is an active warrant with a bond of $50,00...
Let's say you did miss jury duty, if that's the case you would owe a fine or face possible jail time, however, the prosecutors or officers will never call you asking for money. Most courts operate by mail and will send you a summons to your mailbox explaining the situation and advisi...
For the past 45 years, Norman Goodman has been responsible for signing the piece of mail that every New Yorker dreads receiving: a summons for jury duty. But after Dec. Norman Goodman Retiring After 45 Years Summoning New Yorkers for Jury Duty The scammers are calling local residents and ask...
On 22 August 2005, the Minnesota Judicial Branch issued awarningabout the bogus calls. The Minnesota Judicial Branch points out its courts always use the mail to send jury service summons, communicating by telephone only after prospective jurors have returned completed summons information forms. ...
Though your job can't fire you, I'm sure they would rather you be at work. Sometimes it seems like you are getting a jury summons more than once a year in the mail. You could move out ofTexasor quit voting, and they might slow down for a while. What you don't want to do is...
According totxcourts.govyou can be fined anywhere between $100-1000 for Failure to Answer the Summons. So yeah, that goes on your record and takes a chunk of money out of your bank account. So when that card comes, don't ignore it, just do what it tells you to do. Chances are yo...
Another scam has been circulating. This time it's tricking people into believing that they missed a jury summons, which typically has severe consequences.