: a document that summons a defendant to appear before a court to answer a minor criminal charge and that is issued in lieu of a warrant for arrest by an authorized judicial officer (as a magistrate) upon request of a prosecuting attorney c : a notification to appear for jury service ...
Data derived from interviews with former and prospective felon-jurors in Maine, the only US jurisdiction that does not restrict a convicted felon's opportunity to serve as a juror, reveal that participants displayed an idealized view of jury service, stressing a commitment to serve conscientiously....
” Daddario recalls. “I remember I was not getting into audition rooms for roles I really thought I was right for, and I was struggling to be taken seriously, like every actor has. At the time, I just felt it’d be great to show on my...
Convicted FelonJurorJury serviceCriminal DesistanceReintegrationThis exploratory study is the first to examine how convicted felons view the jury process and their role in that process. Data derived from interviews with formSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
doi:10.1111/lsi.12317James M. BinnallJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd