KaKAO is an interesting jungler due to the fact that he is the type of jungler fans want to see, but there are so little of his kind all around the world. KaKAO rejected the idea that the jungler was to be the “second support” of the team, and instead adapted a playstyle that wo...
Tank jungle clears are often slow and unhealthy so invading them on their jungle camps is a good strategy for disrupting them. Wukong is one of the only bruisers that can take advantage of that. He has armor shred on his Q. The Q is also an auto-attack resetter which is great for ...
objective control is very important. The best junglers in the LPL are those that can think ahead and beat their opponents to the punch when it comes to important objectives and early rotations. The path to being one of the best junglers in the...