- Notable works: "Chef," "The Jungle Book," "Bad Moms," "Krampus" Emjay Anthony can be heard in the 2016 production of "The Jungle Book," directed by Jon Favreau, as the voice of Young Wolf. Anthony began his career working in TV, but soon after was cast in "Insurgent," "Bad M...
In the largest incident of mass suicide in American history, 900 people died after the followers of messianic cult leader Jim Jones drank—and forced their own children to drink—poisoned fruit punch in their South American jungle refuge. 1979: ARMED IRANIANS RUSH U.S. EMBASSY Wikimedia Commons...
Walking the line between police procedural and art-house drama, this Turkish film co-won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival. As investigators and their suspect search for a buried body, various secrets come to light. At the heart of the film is a treatise on the meaning of truth...
we wanted to price it high enough to differentiate ourselves from temporary tattoos and low enough that it’s an impulse buy, that you can see them going, “This is cool. I want this right now,” and then you wouldn’t really feel bad about spending the money. ...
DEAR LORD, this is it! You decided to dropship Breaking Bad puppy raincoats (… I am the danger now, Skyler). You find a supplier in some town you can’t pronounce, and try to chat with support speaking so-so English. Oh, and you’re the 500th caller that day. No way you’re ...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Every year my wife and I do our best to buy local candy for Easter, even though are kids are now in their 20s. We - or The Easter Bunny - has been getting them the solid chocolate bunny from Nora's since they were old enough to eat chocolate. ...
Produced by Mike Clink, Appetite for Destruction is widely considered a near perfect album where the deep cuts are just as good as the hits. From the opening roar of "Welcome to the Jungle" and the iconic "Sweet Child O’ Mine," to "It's So Easy," "Nightrain," "You're Crazy,...
businesses, car rentals, and sales taxes—for construction. ongoing operations would have increased the total cost to $9 billion by 2032. that might look bad, but car infrastructure receives even more public welfare. since 2008, congress has transferred more than $140 billion from the general ...
Hugging Face, of course, is the world’s leading repository for open-source AI models—the GitHub of AI, if you will. Founded in 2016 (in New York, as Wolf reminded me on stage when I erroneously said the company was founded in Paris), the company was valued at $4.5 billion in its...
This is becoming more obvious every day. To be white is a bad thing. This is part of an agenda which may be described as “divide and conquer,” and animal advocates of European heritage should be aware of it since the propaganda can be found in various AR media. Every time you are ...