在英雄联盟这款游戏中,LOL的全称是League of Legends,通常在游戏中,"LOL"并不是指大声笑,而是一个游戏的简称。其中,"Singed"指的是游戏中的一位英雄角色,他的名字翻译成中文就是炼金术士。在游戏战术中,"Support"是一个非常关键的职位,它指的是辅助角色,这类英雄的主要任务是协助队友,提供...
You can select between all three maps currently offered in League of Legends (Summoner's Rift, Twisted Treeline, and Crystal Scar) to start your jungle respawn timers. You can also time the respawn time of the inhibitors! This is one of many League of Legends app that is currently being ...
League of Legends Champions: AatroxAhriAkaliAkshanAlistarAmbessaAmumuAniviaAnnieApheliosAsheAurelion SolAuroraAzirBardBel'VethBlitzcrankBrandBraumBriarCaitlynCamilleCassiopeiaCho'GathCorkiDariusDianaDr. MundoDravenEkkoEliseEvelynnEzrealFiddlesticksFioraFizzGalioGangplankGarenGnarGragasGravesGwenHecarimHeimerdingerHweiIllaoi...
This app is designed to help League of Legends summoners with their jungling. You can select between all three maps currently offered in League of Legends (Summoner's Rift, Twisted Treeline, and Crystal Scar) to start your jungle respawn timers. You can also time the respawn time of the in...
aOcelote, the captain and team leader of SK Gaming, will be streaming live today starting at 2:30 AM PDT! At the helm of one of the best League of Legends teams in the world, this versatile player is best known for his devastating AP mid, but also moonlights as an AD carry, a ...
League of Legends Jungler is a simple, easy-to-use application for keeping track of jungle camps in the popular online game League of Legends. Simply open the application, press Start Game Timer when the game starts, and use the buttons to set each respawn!LoL Jungler is not an affiliate ...
Twisted Fate has ascended to lofty heights not seen inLeague of Legendsfor quite some time, with the cardsharp currently a standout power pick across three different roles in ranked queues and pro play. The Card Master has become so overtuned in Season 14 that he can be play...
League of Legends: The team has been doing pretty well so far in the Spring Split. What's the atmosphere like in the group? Yeah it's been great so far, except for that one loss against Misfits, wh...
Graves did in fact ask how he got his red lmao byu/No_Juggernaut2260inleagueoflegends The Tristana and Alistar players were patiently waiting for Red Brambleback to spawn when they noticed their Graves wasn’t moving. While the ADC wanted to leave and make their way to lane, the support ...