网络新词热梗 在网络用语中,“jungle”通常指的是在游戏,特别是电子竞技类游戏中,如《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)或《DOTA》等,的一个地图区域——野区。 含义: “jungle”指的是玩家控制的角色(通常称为“打野”)在野区中通过击杀野怪来获取经验、金钱和装备,同时寻找机会帮助队友进行gank(抓人)或控制地图...
lol的jungle的意思是“打野”。在《英雄联盟》(League of Legends,简称LOL)这款游戏中,jungle(打野)是一个重要的游戏角色定位。打野玩家通常选择那些具有较高移动速度和爆发能力的英雄,如狮子狗、螳螂、盲僧等。他们的主要职责是在游戏的早期阶段,不参与线上的对战,而是通过在地图的野...
The top junglers in the world head to China to help their team win the Summoner's Cup at the 2017 League of Legends World Championship. Staple names like Karsa and Ambition will be there, but did they make our power rankings?
League of Legends Jungle...2025更新内容 修复了一些BUG。 League of Legends Jungle...功能介绍 《League of Legends Jungle Timer》是一款针对《英雄联盟》玩家设计的应用程序。该应用的主要功能如下: 1. 计时功能:当玩家或玩家的团队成功击杀蓝buff或红buff、小龙或男爵时,可以轻松地在相应的按钮上输入,并且该...
游戏视频:League Of Legends - Jungle Zac, The AP Baron Slayer (HD)
'The Kameto method': how to progress in the League of Legends jungle Kamil 'Kameto' Kebir may be the owner of an LEC team, but first and foremost he's a League of Legends player. Here's the LoL legend's guide to making the jungle your own. Written by Thomas Peeters 5 min read...
Ekko Mid and Jungle Guide. Ekko build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Ekko Strategy Builds and Tools.
分享45赞 lol吧 菊部丶有冰雹 【下载】Jungle Timer野怪刷新计时器(打野英雄的福音)下载附件,然后解压到游戏的启动主程序League of Legends.exe的目录 .../英雄联盟/Game就可以了;千万注意是League of Legends.exe的目录Games而不是游戏的启动文件Client.exe的目录TCLS。进入游戏后会在游戏最上方有一行字,显示各个...
In this book you will learn all the secrets to mastering Cho’Gath the Terror of the Void in high level gameplay in League of Legends.You will learn:What jungle builds are best for winning in high ELO ranked Solo Queue ...