到 jump to a conclusion 始於1704年。到 jump rope 始於1853年; Jumping-rope(n.)始於1805年。籃球 jump-shot “球員在空中投籃”始於1934年; 也用於檯球。Jump in a lake 作爲一種不屑的邀請,最早見於1912年。 也來自:1520s jump(n.) 1550年代,“跳躍的行爲”,源自 jump(動詞)。比喻意義“突然...
Again, the core meaning of a sudden, impulsive action is retained, even if the physical act of jumping isn't present. In conclusion, the seemingly simple word "jump" possesses a richness and versatility that extends far beyond its literal meaning. From physical leaps to mental leaps, from su...
to jump to a conclusion. to change abruptly: The traffic light jumped from green to red. to move or change suddenly, haphazardly, aimlessly, or after a short period: He jumped from job to job. to pass or go aimlessly: He jumped from one thing to another without being able to concentrat...
Jump on the bandwagon: To join a popular trend or movement. These phrasal verbs demonstrate how the basic meaning of "jump" combines with prepositions and adverbs to generate a wider spectrum of expressions, highlighting the dynamic nature of the word in English. In conclusion, the seemingly sim...
jump to the conclusion that, leap to the conclusion that v expr (deduce hastily) SC 急于下结论 jump town vtr + n US, informal (flee, escape) SC 逃脱táo tuō SC 逃离táo tuō,táo lí SC 跑路 We better jump town before the police get here. jump up vi + adv (leap to one'...
jump/leap to conclusions | jump/leap to the conclusion that… to make a decision about somebody/something too quickly, before you know or have thought about all the facts There I go again—jumping to conclusions. Extra Examples jump to it (North American English also hop to it) ...
What does the saying 'Jump in feet first' mean? Idiom: Jump in feet first Meaning: If you jump in feet first, you approach a task or activity with little to no hesitation. When you jump into a swimming pool, there's no going back once your feet leave the ground- you will enter ...
日语 @neets7767: It means "jump" cannot be used for topics or conclusion, is that right? 查看翻译 1 like Igirisujin 2017年4月9日 英语(英国) 英语(美国) @nyaonyao Jump is also used metaphorically "jump to conclusions".The terms are similar. Jump would tend to be a sudden ...
This leads to the conclusion that the preliminary estimator of the jump point is 0.50. Table 1. Tabulated ∥Dξi¯,jh1,i¯|−|Dξ0,jh1,0∥ and ξι¯,j values for a simulated data set for (10). j∥Dξi¯,jh1,i¯|−|Dξ0,jh1,0∥ξi¯,j 1 395.94 0.134286 ...
In conclusion, “jump the shark” encapsulates the decline of quality or relevance in a particular entity. Originating from a TV moment, it now denotes a broader range of contexts, serving as a warning sign when something beloved starts losing its charm or credibility. Its widespread usage refle...