The meaning of JUMP is to spring into the air : leap; especially : to spring free from the ground or other base by the muscular action of feet and legs. How to use jump in a sentence. Where did jump the shark come from?
c : to make a hurried judgment jump to conclusions d : to show eagerness jumped at the chance e : to enter eagerly jump on the bandwagon f : to change or abandon employment especially in violation of contract g : to rise suddenly in rank or status h : to make a jump in bri...
Not only can this lead us to a wrong conclusion, but it can also cause conflict with other people, who may have drawn quite different conclusions on the same matter. In a fast business environment, you need to make sure that your actions and decisions are founded on reality. Likewise, whe...
Conclusions and Relevance In this cross-sectional study of ED patients in triage, there were consistent disparities among marginalized populations being more likely to experience a UQJ, hallway placement, and leaving without receiving treatment despite being assigned the same triage acuity as others. EDs...
For Equation (28), if the effect of external disturbance signals on the system residuals is not taken into account, the degeneration into (16) combined with (17) yields that the large-scale stochastic observer system (6) is finite-time bounded with respect to . Combining inequalities (10) ...
5. Conclusions By the approach of comparison principle, the issue of periodically intermittently discrete feedback control for unstable MJSDSs has been studied in this paper. Furthermore, the stabilization theory has been applied to SNNs. 6. Further Work The key technology, deriving the stabilizatio...
5. Conclusions and Future Work This paper described the theoretical development and practical demonstration of a jumping robot. The study drew inspiration from the JPL planetary exploration robot, which utilised a nonlinear spring in order to increase elastic-to-kinetic energy transfer in comparison to...
6. Conclusions The proliferation of pseudoscience in factual programming and producers' decision to dedicate resources to complete fictions that amplify the entertainment factor and skimp on science is especially deleterious in the case of sharks whose image widely diverges from anthropocentric norms and ...
5. Conclusions We presented images created by a model of the anterior median eye of the spider M. aeneolus and applied a well known DFD algorithm to these images. We found that the depth estimation capabilities of the jumping spider can be reproduced to a great extent by this algorithm, pa...