题目描述 求 1+2+…+n ,要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case等关键字及条件...
julia>a=[1,2,3]; julia>cumsum!(a, a)3-element Vector{Int64}:136 Other functions correctly flag the aliasing in the case of===arguments and throw an error: julia>usingLinearAlgebra julia>a=rand(2,2); julia>mul!(a, a, a) ERROR:ArgumentError:output matrix must not be aliased with...
It should be possible, in the future, to assemble the full matrix using the Julia package DiffEqOperators.jl We test the solver on the lid-driven cavity problem and compare results with Ghia & Ghia’s solution. Governing equations The governing equations are as follows: ∂ω∂t+(∇⊥...
matrix_2[1:4] Output: The size of the matrix is (2, 3) 2×3 Matrix{Int64}: 2 2 0 2 7 9 9 4-element Vector{Int64}: 2 2 2 7 Let’s add and multiply matrices now. # Adding matrices matrix_2 + matrix_1 matrix_3 = [[2 3] ; [5 6] ; [4 5]] # Multiplying matrices ...
julia> collect(a) 4-element Vector{Matrix{Int64}}: [1 2] [1 2] [1 2] [1 2] ``` """ repeated(x, n::Integer) = take(repeated(x), Int(n))eltype(::Type{Repeated{O}}) where {O} = Oiterate(it::Repeated, state...) = (it.x, nothing)...
创建一个临时的二维数组matrix,用于存储两个输入矩阵相乘的结果。...如果第一个矩阵的元素的列号等于第二个矩阵的元素的行号,将它们的值相乘,并将结果累加到matrix中对应位置的元素上。 遍历matrix中的所有元素,将非零元素插入到result中。 9910 Julia将成为编程语言黑马,是Python未来的劲敌?
where is the dependent variable, is the matrix of independent variables, is the vector of parameters that we wish to estimate, and is the error satisfying . Because we assume that the first column of is the constant number 1, we will find it useful below to work with . The least ...
julia>Tscale=FixedRational{2^40}FixedRational{1099511627776,T}whereT# Let's startwitha plain Vectorofzeros julia>plain=CKKSEncoding{Tscale}(zero(ℛ))8-element CKKSEncoding{FixedRational{1099511627776,T}whereT}withindices0:7:0.0+0.0im0.0+0.0im0.0+0.0im0.0+0.0im0.0+0.0im0.0+0.0im0.0+0.0...
function parallel_compute() results = Vector{Int}(undef, 10) @sync begin for i in 1:10 @async begin # 执行并行计算任务 results[i] = f(i) end end end # 合并结果 total_result = sum(results) return total_result end 在这个示例中,我们创建了一个长度为10的结果向量results,并使用@sy...