我知道可以使用convert函数将Float64转换为Int64。不幸的是,当将convert应用于2维数组时,它不起作用。julia> convert(Int64, 2.0)2x2 Array{Float64,2}: 3.0 4.0julia> convert(Int64, A) ERROR: `convert` has no method matching convert(: 浏览4提问于2015-07-22得票数8 ...
2. Consider a random 10x2 matrix representing Cartesian coordinates, convert them to polar coordinates Z = rand(10,2) X, Y = Z[:,1], Z[:,2] R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2) T = atan2(Y,X) 3. Create random vector of size 100 and replace the maximum value by 0 Z = rand(100) ...
b = rand(10); #created a random vector of size 10x = A\b; #x is the solutions to the linear system Ax=b@show norm(A*x-b); 结果如下: 需要说一下,以上的A是矩阵类型(Matrix),b是向量(Vector),转置是所谓伴随类型(Adjoint),从中可见Julia的强类型特色,用typeof再看一下各自的类型 @show ...
.IndexLinear()getindex(A::ArrayType, i::Int)getindex(A::AbstractArray, I...)()IndexCartesian()ndims(A)IntSparseArraysgetindex(A::SparseMatrixCSC, i::Int, j::Int) 返回到上面的平方序列,我们可以将其定义为 : 的子类型:AbstractArray{Int, 1} julia> struct SquaresVector <: AbstractArray{I...
# Convert Vector to DataArrayconvert(DataArray, [0.1, 0.5, -2.4]) Out[7]: 3-element DataArrays.DataArray{Float64,1}: 0.1 0.5 -2.4 In [8]: # It is not possible to call DataArray() with NA in its input argumentDataArray([0.1, NA, -2.4]) Out[8]: 3-element DataArrays.DataArr...
2. Consider a random 10x2 matrix representing Cartesian coordinates, convert them to polar coordinates Z=rand(10,2) X, Y=Z[:,1], Z[:,2] R=sqrt(X.^2+Y.^2) T=atan2(Y,X) 3. Create random vector of size 100 and replace the maximum value by 0 ...
Julia FurstsubmittedSolution 7203545toProblem 6. Select every other element of a vector on 13 Dec 2021 Julia FurstsubmittedSolution 7203490toProblem 26. Determine if input is odd on 13 Dec 2021 Julia FurstreceivedCommenterbadge forProblem 1702. Maximum value in a matrix ...
各种BLAS 操作 (matrix*matrix, matrix*vector) FFT,使用与 julia 的 FFT 相同的 API GPUArrays 实际应用 让我们直接看一些很酷的实例。 GPU 加速烟雾模拟器是由 GPUArrays + CLArrays 创建的,可在 GPU 或 CPU 上运行,GPU 版本速度提升 15 倍:
and convert everything into a Float. Result = 10-dim Array of Float numbers #B take only the last column of the data matrix. Result = 1-dim Array 现在,如果你想使用这些数据来测试分类器(这里就是kNN算法),那么这些数组都应该分成训练集和测试集。这是一项值得深入研究的技术,所以我们会在后续章节...
w=wm[:,xx]' ; # converts the weight vector to a nxn matrix# whose ji element is w(i) for all j f=(y .-m*(1-r) .-x*r) ; c1=exp.(-(f.*f)./(2.0*s*s))./(sqrt(2.0*pi)*s) ; f=(y .-m*(1-r) .-m*r) ; ...