isconcretetype(Int) # true eltype([1,2.0,3]) # 元素类型 typeof([1,2.0,3]) # 容器类型, Vector{Float64} # true Int64 是 Any 的子类 Int64 <: Any 1 isa Int # true isa(1,Int) # true 类型转换 数字 round(88.88)==89.0 round(Int,88.88)==89 round(88)==88 convert(Int64,1.0) ...
我知道可以使用convert函数将Float64转换为Int64。不幸的是,当将convert应用于2维数组时,它不起作用。julia> convert(Int64, 2.0)2x2 Array{Float64,2}: 3.0 4.0julia> convert(Int64, A) ERROR: `convert` has no method matching convert(: 浏览4提问于2015-07-22得票数8 ...
from_iter = CuArray(1:10) # let's create a point type to further illustrate what can be done: struct Point x::Float32 y::Float32 end Base.convert(::Type{Point}, x::NTuple{2, Any}) = Point(x[1], x[2]) # because we defined the above convert from a tuple to a point # ...
typeof(), eltype(),length(),ndims(),size() typeof()返回输出对象的类型(Int64, Float64, Bool or String);eltype()一般使用在Vector 或者Matrix里面,返回矩阵的数据类型; lenghth()返回matrix(tuple)里面元素的总个数; ndims()返回matrix(tuple)里面的维度数量; size()返回的是一个元组(tuple) 复合结...
outputPredict = mode.(predict(mach, outputSample)) |> nums -> convert(Vector{Int}, nums) output_frame = DataFrame() output_frame[!, :PassengerId] = convert(Vector{Int}, originSample[!, :PassengerId]) output_frame[!, :Survived] = outputPredict CSV.write("data/titanic/predict.csv", ou...
julia>Int8[[1];[2,3];4;"5"]ERROR:MethodError:Cannot`convert`an objectoftype String to an objectoftype Int8 # 省略了一些回显的内容。 julia> 到目前为止,我们一直说的都是一维数组的表示法。下面我们来讲怎样表示二维数组。表示二维数组的标准方式是,在方括号中嵌入多个长度相同的一维数组,并用空格...
Base.convert(::Type{Point}, x::NTuple{2, Any}) = Point(x[1], x[2]) # because we defined the above convert from a tuple to a point # [Point(2, 2)] can be written as Point[(2,2)] since all array # elements will get converted to Point ...
2. Convert a vector of ints into a matrix binary representation. I = [0 1 2 3 15 16 32 64 128] B = foldl(hcat,[reverse(int(bool(i & (2 .^ (0:8))) for i in I])' Adept 1. Consider an arbitrary array, write a function that extracts a subpart with a fixed shape and ...
gpu array12from_iter = CuArray(1:10)13# let's create a point type to further illustrate what can be done:14struct Point15 x::Float3216 y::Float3217end18Base.convert(::Type{Point}, x::NTuple{2, Any}) = Point(x[1], x[2])19# because we defined the above convert from...
empty(v::AbstractVector, [eltype])Create an empty vector similar to `v`, optionally changing the `eltype`.# Examples```jldoctest julia> empty([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) 0-element Array{Float64,1}julia> empty([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], String) 0-element Array{String,1} ...