Hello, as the title, it was surprising that float(Int32(1)) gives a Float64. Is there a reason behind this choice? Or is it just a bug? I would have expected it to have maintained the same precision.Activity giordano commented on Oct 3, 2024 giordanoon Oct 3, 2024 Contributor ...
julia>convert(UInt8,x)0x0cjulia>typeof(ans)UInt8 julia>convert(AbstractFloat,x)12.0julia>typeof(ans)Float64 julia>a=Any[123;456]2×3Array{Any,2}:123456julia>convert(Array{Float64},a)2×3Array{Float64,2}: 转换并非总是可能的,在这种情况下,将引发任何方法错误,指示conve...
A1D = fill(CuArray{Int}, 0, (100,)) # CLArray for CLArrays # Float32 array - Float32 is usually preferred and can be up to 30x faster on most GPUs than Float64 diagonal_matrix = CuArray{Float32}(I, 100, 100) filled = fill(CuArray, 77f0, (4, 4, 4)) # 3D array filled...
Julia 自动调用 convert 函数,将参数转换为指定类型。例如: ccall( (:foo, "libfoo"), Void, (Int32, Float64), x, y)会按如下操作: ccall( (:foo, "libfoo"), Void, (Int32, Float64), convert(Int32, x), convert(Float64, y))如果标量值与 & 一起被传递作为 Ptr{T} 类型的参数时,值...
julia> typeof(x) Int64 julia> convert(UInt8, x) 0x0c julia> typeof(ans) UInt8 julia> convert(AbstractFloat, x) 12.0 julia> typeof(ans) Float64 julia> a = Any[1 2 3; 4 5 6] 2×3 Array{Any,2}: 1 2 3 4 5 6 julia> convert(Array{Float64}, a) 2×3 Array{Float64,2...
A not-a-number value of type [`Float64`](@ref). """ NaN, NaN64## conversions to floating-point ## Float16(x::Integer) = convert(Float16, convert(Float32, x)) for t in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128) @eval promote_rule(::...
julia>Array{Complex{Float64},2}Matrix{ComplexF64}(aliasforArray{Complex{Float64},2}) Array类型有两个类型参数,第一个是元素类型,第二个是数组的维度。 可以使用typeof函数获取值的类型。 julia>typeof(1+2im)Complex{Int64}julia>typeof(randn(Complex{Float64},2,2))Matrix{ComplexF64}(aliasforArray...
我知道可以使用convert函数将Float64转换为Int64。不幸的是,当将convert应用于2维数组时,它不起作用。julia> convert(Int64, 2.0)2x2 Array{Float64,2}: 3.0 4.0julia> convert(Int64, A) ERROR: `convert` has no method matching convert(: 浏览4提问于2015-07-22得票数8 ...
gpu array12from_iter = CuArray(1:10)13# let's create a point type to further illustrate what can be done:14struct Point15 x::Float3216 y::Float3217end18Base.convert(::Type{Point}, x::NTuple{2, Any}) = Point(x[1], x[2])19# because we defined the above convert from...
julia>drawer1=Drawer{String}("a kind of goods")Drawer{String}("a kind of goods")julia>drawer1.content='G'ERROR:MethodError:Cannot`convert`an objectoftype Char to an objectoftype String # 省略了一些回显的内容。 julia> 这里有一个特别之处,像Drawer{T}这样的表示方式只能被用在它的定义当中。