Judy Jetson (voiced by Janet Waldo) is the daughter ofJaneandGeorge, and older sister ofElroy. Judy is a typical teenager, with many of her interests revolving around boys and her electronic diary DiDi. Judy wears bright pink clothes and has white hair. By trimming a long white wig with ...
Rockin' with Judy Jetson kicks off the Hanna Barbera's Superstars 10 collection as part of Warner Archive's recent Blu-ray bow.
剧情:A hip rock star has stolen Judy Jetson's heart, so she joins two of her girl friends at his concert, following close behind her is George, who's turned his hair into a Mohawk. But an evil witch who hates music has kidnapped the rock star, so Judy and her friends go off to ...
of George and Jane Jetson, on Hanna-Barbera's futuristic answer toThe Flintsones. The original series ran for one season from 1962 to 1963, but was heavily played in syndication. New episodes were produced from 1985 to 1987. Waldo also headlined the 1988 TV movieRockin' with Judy Je...
thinking that Judy has run off with the rock star. The youngest Jetson, Elroy, is also out of the house, having snuck off to see the concert with his dog Astro, and they too get swept up in the whole mess. Also involved are the music-loving Zoomies, who assist Judy in escaping from...
A hip rock star has stolen Judy Jetson's heart, so she joins two of her girl friends at his concert, following close behind her is George, who's turned his hair into a Mohawk. But an evil witch who hates music has kidnapped the rock star, so Judy and her friends go off to rescue...
简介 A hip rock star has stolen Judy Jetson's heart, so she joins two of her girl friends at his concert, following close behind her is George, who's turned his hair into a Mohawk. But an evil witch who hates music has kidnapped the rock star, so Judy and her friends go off to ...
George or Judy? Even Jane, Rosie and Mr. Spacely are along for the fun as the teenage adolescent Jetson daughter goes to heroic heights to battle the evil witch and join her rock star companion and possibly perform on stage with him. ...