When we met George Jetson, his boy Elroy, daughter Judy and Jane (his wife), we met them in their flying automobile. Back to the Future II memorably featured flying cars, as did Blade Runner, The...Alexandra Silver
and she is no closer to discovering the rare mineral that she needs. This forces her to kidnap Jet Screamer, while at the same time Judy’s father George is looking for both of them, thinking that Judy has run off with the rock star. The youngest Jetson, Elroy, is also out...
Elroy and Astro come to the rescue, but are stuck with a difficult question - who do they save first? George or Judy? Even Jane, Rosie and Mr. Spacely are along for the fun as the teenage adolescent Jetson daughter goes to heroic heights to battle the evil witch and join her rock ...
演职人员 全部 导演 雷·帕特森 演员 Janet Waldo 饰:Judy Jetson 道斯·巴特勒 饰:Elroy Jetson 唐·梅西克 饰:Astro 罗伯·鲍森 饰:Sky Rocker 图集 全部 影片资料 技术参数 1小时32分钟 预告片 暂无预告片
who's turned his hair into a Mohawk. But an evil witch who hates music has kidnapped the rock star, so Judy and her friends go off to rescue him and George get's thrown in jail. Elroy and Astro come to the rescue, but are stuck with a difficult question - who do they save first...
Elroy and Astro come to the rescue, but are stuck with a difficult question - who do they save first? George or Judy? Even Jane, Rosie and Mr. Spacely are along for the fun as the teenage adolescent Jetson daughter goes to heroic heights to battle the evil witch and join her rock ...