Judicial Reform of 1864 on the Territory of the Ukrainian Provinces of the Russian Empire and Its Importance for the Development of Civil Proceedings in UkraineUkrainian civil procedurelegal reformsRussian Judicial Reform of 1864comparative civil procedure...
In Montenegro, which fares better on the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, with a score of 45 compared to Serbia’s 39 and Bosnia’s 36, there are still nevertheless many of the same issues as in other Western Balkans countries. “Lack of disclosure of politi...
“it should have been a matter of common sense for the applicant to have been able to foresee that there would have been serious consequences arising from his decision to collude with the people who had either directly
A.JudicialReviewofLegislation B.JudicialOversightofAdministrativePractice C.JudicialJurisdictionOverCivilLiberties D.SystemofAppellateReview E.Contempt/Subpoena/Enforcement III.FINANCIALRESOURCES A.BudgetaryInput B.AdequacyofJudicialSalaries C.JudicialBuildings D.JudicialSecurity IV.STRUCTURALSAFEGUARDS A.Guaranteed...
In Montenegro, which fares better on the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, with a score of 45 compared to Serbia’s 39 and Bosnia’s 36, there are still nevertheless many of the same issues as in other Western Balkans countries. ...