that jeopardise the rights of women and minorities; attacked the press; defied oversight; sought to stack the judiciary and law enforcement agencies with partisan loyalists; challenged the integrity of the electoral system, and ultimately stoked a violent challenge to the democratic transfer of power....
A.JudicialReviewofLegislation B.JudicialOversightofAdministrativePractice C.JudicialJurisdictionOverCivilLiberties D.SystemofAppellateReview E.Contempt/Subpoena/Enforcement III.FINANCIALRESOURCES A.BudgetaryInput B.AdequacyofJudicialSalaries C.JudicialBuildings D.JudicialSecurity IV.STRUCTURALSAFEGUARDS A.Guaranteed...
“Lack of disclosure of political financing, including election campaigns, strong influence of the government on independent institutions and systemic efforts of the government to undermine independent oversight by limiting access to information are all severe impediments to effective rule of law...
“Lack of disclosure of political financing, including election campaigns, strong influence of the government on independent institutions and systemic efforts of the government to undermine independent oversight by limiting access to information are all severe impediments to effective rule of ...