the Bible-and is called the Torah.Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah (世 ) and that he will one day rise again and bring redemption (救赎) to the people of the world; in Judaism, however, it is believed that Jesus was an ordinary man and that the Messiah hasn't arrived yet, ...
but for Jews, it is very different. Jews do not believe in a hell as described by most religions. Some believe inGehinnom, where a soul is cleansed for up to 12 months prior to being accepted into Heaven, but it is not a place for punishment. And many Jews do not ...
ChristiansbelievethatthereisasingleGodwhonotonlycreatedtheuniverse,butwithwhomeveryChristiancanhaveanindividualandpersonalrelationship.TheybelievJesuswastheMessiah,anearthlyking.Theybelieveinheaven,butthatGoddetermineswheretheygoafterlifeonearth.TenCommandmentsisthebasiccodeoflaw.JudaismHolyBook The...
Mahatma Gandhi, who was a devout student of the New Testament, made the astute observation that if it weren't for the Christians, the whole world would believe in the teachings of Jesus and TheWay. While Christianity by design, should be the Light and Savior of the lost prodigal sons and...
In its earliest stages, Christianity was considered a sect of Judaism. Jesus and his apostles even considered themselves Jewish in the early years of Christianity. While followers of Judaism do believe in one God, they do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah or that God is the Holy Trinity...
A complex process of occupation, involving both battles of annihilation and treaty arrangements with the natives, has been simplified in the biblical account of Joshua's wars. Gradually, the unity of the invaders dissolved (most scholars believe that the invading element was only part of the Hebre...
Therefore: I am sending a check in the mail [today] in the amount of $25 to support your good work (as it is okay to do good works on the Sabbath. Amen) Best Regards, Ian Wilson Dan Eden June 1, 2008 @ 6:11 am Can you tell me exactly what Jews believe about sin, heaven ...
The Jews unlike Christians do not believe that Jesus is the promised messiah; instead they believe that a non-divine human will be the messiah sent from God. They also believe that the messiah’s purpose is to restore the kingdom of Israel, rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and bring earthly...
Leopold Cohn He had come to believe in Jesus as Mes- siah while studying to be a rabbi. He was advised to move to the United States where people might be more open to his unorthodox views. Rabbi Cohn sent his son, Joseph, to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, which at that time was...
and are therefore responsible for their conduct. Sex offenders, including homosexuals, according to another recent study, operate "at a primate level with the philosophy that necessity is the mother of improvisation." As Jews who believe that the Torah legislated certain moral laws for all...