Vilnius had two ghettos during the Nazi period – the small and the large. They both got liquidated (or “liquidized” as one Lithuanian tourist website has it) by Nazis and Lithuanian police shooting tens of thousands of Jews in the forests around the city. Above is the site of the Gr...
The Jewish lesbian has no belief in heaven or hell; a conspiracy of death to make herself the end of all things; a hatred of her family and of God’s creative power. The seed of the righteous is blessed. Be not deceived. Christians in all aspects of society get attacked by not just...
However, the congregation named is really not Jewish at all, but rather composed of self-proclaimed “Messianic Jews” that are essentially fundamentalist Christians who “believe” in “Jesus Christ,” reports the Press Register. After all, a belief in Jesus is what defines Christians and Chris...
aIn the Book of Romans, Paul explained in details why we must not follow the Law belief of the Jews that are self righteous, self performances, religious , superstitious and cultural. 在Romans在细节为什么我们不能跟随是自以为是的犹太人的法律信仰,自已表现,宗教,迷信和文化解释的书,保罗。 [...
This statement reflects a strong belief in God's providence and faithfulness to His covenant with Israel. It implies that God's plans are not thwarted by human inaction. Theologically, it underscores the idea that God is sovereign and will fulfill His promises, as seen throughout the Old ...
“BillyGraham and theJews,”Beliefnet,accessedSeptember5, 2019,,Jews and Israel: Antisemitism and Faith271 Graham’sopinionswerequitetypical for his group cohorts.Asurvey theAnti-Defamation League sponsored in the early1960s found...
my catholicism mostly consists of belief in virgin mary as symbol of compassion, especially of the suffering of living beings. Reply Johnny September 9, 2020 at 3:26 am Hitler saved Ukrainians from deported in cattle trucks to Siberia.
he will give all of them through baptism and Christianity the power to all become God’s children for eternal salva-tion]There is nothing remarkable about Pedersen’s theological claims here as the belief in the conversion of the Jews during the Final Days was, and to some extent still is,...
BELOW ARETHEONLY 3 BELIEF SETS IN OUR UNIVERSE. WHICH ARE YOU? MONOTHEISTICPOLYTHEISTICNONTHEISTIC Biblically Known as; Also Now Known As; Monothiests must worship YHWH (Those are just generic titles,YHWH is His actual name we are supposed to use.) ...
For example, the book of Acts (23:1-10) tells a surprising story about Paul, who realized he was in danger from a Jewish crowd because of his belief that Jesus had been resurrected and that faith in Jesus was the only way of achieving salvation. Paul figured out an ingenious way to ...