The Ju 388 J would be powered by the BMW 801TJ engine, a turbocharged radial engine that produced over 1,750 hp. Since the 388 J was also intended for nighttime duties, a VHF band radar was fitted on the nose and had a range of 8 km (4.97 mi). The Ju 388 J was introduced as...
The Junkers Ju 388J is a German late-war high altitude bomber hunter, designed in response to threat posed by the new American B-29 Superfortress bomber. War Thunder players will have the chance to obtain this aircraft as part of the upcoming ”Battlefield Engineer” event! 容克Ju 388J是...
战雷情报翻译组出品Junkers Ju 388J: The High-Altitude Marauder容克 Ju 388J:高空掠夺者The Junkers Ju 388J is a German late-war high altitude bomber hunter, designed in response to threat posed by the new American B-29 Superfortress bomber. War Thunder pla
The Ju 87 D-3 (Italy) is a Italian dive bomber. It was introduced in Update 1.85 "Supersonic".
【情報組】【开发日志..另一个War Thunder中的老伙计终于也將在War Thunder 1.67更新中以全新的面貌登场來向全新的斯图卡打声招呼吧!---
To the fans of the War Thunder German air force, we present to you the Ju 288C, which is the most complete model among all the prototypes of this promising bomber. It will become a rank IV premium aircraft in the Luftwaffe tech tree. The Ju 288C is an extremely well-defended bomber ...
用于保护己方制空权以及摧毁敌方制空设备的军用机种。 (图片由Blender渲染,并非游戏实际效果) 最近的请求偏多,我在个渠道减少获取我为我减少获取我联系方式的行为道歉,接下来会在做完手头请求后重新安排接单时间:3 拙作,见谅 顺便宣传一下我的哔哩哔哩主页和WT主页(求关注和订阅QAQ) ...
Warthunder 的2.0大更新,换了引擎,换了车库,加了新载具和新bug,然后还加入了新的音乐。视频系youtube上的新音乐合集这次新加的音乐和以往的风格完全不一样,很带感很爽)
19259 2718 946 历史最高 7432 1073 365 历史最高 12880 1803 627 排名趋势图 7期15期 Created with Highcharts 3.0.7网站总排名游戏网站排名广东排名0500010000150002000025000 APPPC排名趋势图 7期15期 Created with Highcharts 3.0.7Alexa排名Alexa流量排名0246 ...
在第一次世界大战的余波中下水的长门级战列舰在当时是旧日本帝国海军的最强军舰。其二号舰“陆奥”号在即将到来的重大版本更新“阿尔法出击”中成为战争雷霆首艘配备 16 英寸级别口径主炮的战列舰,为海战模式的霸者定义新的标杆! 陆奥:日本VI 级战列舰 载具特点: 410 毫米口径巨炮 出色装甲防护设计 防空火力羸弱 ...