简介:容克斯的Ju88,被誉为万能轰炸机重战版本的本体不是四门机;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 774、弹幕量 0、点赞数 16、投硬币枚数 1、收藏人数 1、转发人数 3, 视频作者 伊
[WarThunder VR实況] #112 受苏联空军好评的战斗机【P-39K】【SN4QR】 06:34 【战争雷霆】Ju88俯冲攻击运输舰队【SN4QR】【1分動画 】 01:23 【战争雷霆】侦察型野马遭遇敌机【SN4QR】【1分动画】 01:35 强风:权重是靠自己努力升的 00:12 天空中响起了骇人的哨声 01:00 当9个人陪你一起开Hs-129...
As such, this led to the Ju 88 being repurposed into a bomber destroyer and/or night fighter. Many iterations were developed, like the Ju 188, but the final model would be the Ju 388. The Ju 388 was intended for high-altitude performance. Three variants were planned: the Ju 388 L ...
【情報組】【开发日志..另一个War Thunder中的老伙计终于也將在War Thunder 1.67更新中以全新的面貌登场來向全新的斯图卡打声招呼吧!---
The upcoming, promising bomber that was to replace the Ju 88 had to outclass its predecessor in every single way – it had to be faster, more powerful, better defended, and capable of carrying a greater bomb load.History▼ In 1939, the Junkers company began work on a new bomber that ...
Research order: Ju 87 D-3 Ju 87 D-5 Modifications Rating by players Like: 15 players Flight performance: 9 ratings all time Survivability: 9 ratings all time Aerial combat: 9 ratings all time Ground attack: 9 ratings all time Balance: 7 ratings all time ...
Undoubtedly the most versatile German aircraft of World War II (1939-1945), the Junkers Ju 88 served as a fighter, bomber and patrol aircraft on every front on which the Luftwaffe fought. Blooded in action during the Blitzkrieg, the Ju 88 soon proved to be a formidable opponent for the be...
用于保护己方制空权以及摧毁敌方制空设备的军用机种。 (图片由Blender渲染,并非游戏实际效果) 最近的请求偏多,我在个渠道减少获取我为我减少获取我联系方式的行为道歉,接下来会在做完手头请求后重新安排接单时间:3 拙作,见谅 顺便宣传一下我的哔哩哔哩主页和WT主页(求关注和订阅QAQ) ...
同款反射瞄准具也安装在后期的me410与Ju88等其他轰炸机上。 Ju87G 大炮鸟 飞行开罐器 随着战争愈演愈烈,纯靠投弹轰炸不足以阻挡苏军的钢铁洪流,坦克开罐器Ju87G诞生,取消了俯冲轰炸能力而特化了对地炮火打击,双翼挂载37毫米机载反坦克炮两门。 这是什么坦克?有人认得出来吗?
04:03 德国JU88的有限升级,大眼泡泡容克JU-188轰炸机 来源:好看视频 发布时间:2024-02-13 04:22 216吨轰炸机近距离曝光:加力全开弹射起步,问世50年难超越,真猛 简介:c372e842-7c46-4f22-bc02-99404dbb1b61.mp4 来源:好看视频 发布时间:1个月前 ...