开板默认JTAG和SWD接口都是打开的,BOOT0是低电平,当把BOOT0置高时,给板子上电,板子启动的时候程序会卡住,也就是内部闪光的程序并未执行,这个时候SW和JTAD接口都是出于默认打开的状态。然后下载一个不关闭JTAG或者SW接口的程序,覆盖之前闪存中的程序就好了。 所以先将板子供电全部断开(这里包括3.3V电源供电和JLINK...
GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_Disable,DISABLE); 4、注意:取消复用后,正常烧写程序可能不成功,可以尝试在烧写程序时对STM32进行复位,使这些端口在上电瞬间还保持为原端口的复用状态。 官方文档: JTAG/SWD复用功能重映射: 为了在调试期间可以使用更多GPIOs,通过设置复用重映射和调试I/O配置寄存器(AFIO_MAPR)的...
1) Do I understand right and SWD/JTAG ports are automatically disabled when Secure boot bit is activated?-- No, I'm afraid not, and to provide the fastest possible support, I'd like to suggest you learn the detailed information about the secured JTAG via the link.https://www.digi.com...
But we can still program other elf/hex files. It looks like we disable SWJ bit in TOC2_FLAGS not work since we can still program the device. Is there anything else I need to concern and verify? Please correct me and help to disable SWD/JTAG interface. Thanks a lot. BR, Wayne...