Since the feb update the embedded Json theme file is returning the same error for each visual: #/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must be object (type; matching schema #/oneOf/0/type) #/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must be object (type; matching schema #/oneOf...
Since the feb update the embedded Json theme file is returning the same error for each visual: #/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must be object (type; matching schema #/oneOf/0/type) #/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must be object (type; matching schema #/oneOf...
Since the feb update the embedded Json theme file is returning the same error for each visual: #/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must be object (type; matching schema #/oneOf/0/type) #/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must be object (type; matching schema #...