By default,jsonschema2mdlooks for schema files ending in*.schema.json. You can specify another extension by using the--schema-extensionor-ecommand line argument. Internationalization The generated documentation can be internationalized. Select the language you want to use for the output using the-l...
jsonschemaDraft202012Validator schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": {"type": "string"}, "age": {"type": "number"}, }, "required": ["name"], } Draft202012Validator.check_schema() #output means the, otherwise `SchemaError` will be raised. #an instancethea. draft...
Having high quality documentation for your JSON Schemas makes it easier to understand, and allows it to be shared more easily between groups of developers and analysts. The generated documentation contains the original schema code, diagrams, detailed properties, type hierarchy, annotations and references...
{"id":"","$schema":"","type":"object","required":["options"],"properties":{"options":{"type":"array","x-intellij-html-description":"Interesting details:\n FreshNewAwesome\n Choose schema ...
Then theQuick Documentationpopup will look as follows: To get nice looking documentation with rich HTML markup, store the HTML description in thex-intellij-html-descriptionextension property instead ofdescription: {"id":"","$schema":"https://json-schema....
Welcome toJSON Schema, a declarative language that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents. 📑 Getting started Are you wondering how to get started with JSON Schema? Please, visit our getting started guide in ourdocumentation. Are you looking for JSON Schema tooling? Please, explore...
JSON schema#We have a JSON schema that documents the format and can also be used to validate your composer.json. In fact, it is used by the validate command. You can find it at: Package#The root package is the package defined by the composer....
Generate Html/PDF documentation for the JSON Schema Use the JSON schema for intellisense and validation of JSON documents Why use a JSON Schema? Provides a formal, unambiguous description, essential for distribution to 3rdparties Validation of JSON documents. ...
Yes. JSON Schema is considered to be a standard way to enforce JSON structure validity. Where should I submit the $jsonSchema data? You submit the $jsonSchema data using either a shellcommandor in MongoDB Compass. Once submitted, MongoDB stores this data together with the collection’s metadat...
$schema URI 不适用 引用清单的 JSON 架构的 https:// URL。 name.short 字符串 30 将应用清单中的相应字符串替换为此处提供的值。 本地化 JSON 中需要 属性。 ✔️ name.full 字符串 100 将应用清单中的相应字符串替换为此处提供的值。 本地化 JSON 中需要 属性。 ✔️ description.short String ...