JSON Schema HTML Documentation Generator A flexible solution for auto-generating HTML API documentation from JSON-schemas that take advantage of the v4 Hyper-Schema definition. To use this package, you must have at least one valid JSON-schema file, preferably one that implements the links ...
json-schema-doc 用于生成json-schema文档的生成器。输出纯HTML。 Documentation generator for json-schema. 效果见Demo 安装 NPM: npm install json-schema-doc --save TBower tbower install json-schema-doc --save 使用 // 若在浏览器中使用,不借助包管理,默认是window.JsonSchemaDocGenerator var JsonSchema...
DJsonSchema (MIT) - JSON Schema reader and code generator for Delphi. Elm json-schema-to-elm - generates Elm types, JSON decoders+encoders, and fuzz tests from one or more JSON Schema files, usingdragonwasrobot/json_schemasupports Draft 7 Ja...
JSON Schema provides clear human- and machine- readable documentation. JSON Schema Example: { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "title": "Tool", "description": "An online tool", "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "description": "Tool identifier", "typ...
首先介绍一下JSON Schema ,它是用于验证 JSON 数据结构的强大工具,JSON Schema是以一个JSON串来描述的JSON数据规范,可以用JSON Schema检验一个给定的JSON串是否满足约定的数据规范。目前工作中的http接口的输入输出多数都是JSON格式的数据,校验数据格式是否满足约定是必不可少的,无论是业务代码中对输入数据进行校验,还...
doc: Generate documentation from a schema render: Render views from schema Here's an example of using these commands in a typical workflow: #Fill out the resource schemata$ mkdir -p schemata $ prmd init app>schemata/app.json $ prmd init user>schemata/user.json $ vim schemata/{app,user}....
json-schema-resolver Resolve all your $refs json schema json-schema ref $ref eomm •2.0.0•2 years ago•15dependents•MITpublished version2.0.0,2 years ago15dependentslicensed under $MIT 2,256,288 ts-json-schema-generator Generate JSON schema from your Typescript sources ...
Instructs the System.Text.Json source generator to assume the specified options will be used at run time via JsonSerializerOptions. JsonStringEnumConverter Converts enumeration values to and from strings. JsonStringEnumConverter<TEnum> Converter to convert enums to and from strings. JsonStringEnu...
publicstaticSystem.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter<Version?> VersionConverter {get; } Property Value JsonConverter<Version> Remarks This API is for use by the output of the System.Text.Json source generator and should not be called directly. ...
We have a JSON schema that documents the format and can also be used to validate your composer.json. In fact, it is used by the validate command. You can find it at: https://getcomposer.org/schema.jsonRoot Package#The root package is the package defined by the composer.json at the ...