JSON Path Query Example 2Here's another potential feed structure for media:{ "total":"13", "results":[ { "id":"45454333", "title":"'Sample video title1", "link":"http:\/\/example.com\/assets\/some\/media\/path\/myvideo1.mp4", "pubDate":"Tue, 01 Oct 2016 18:29:52 +0530...
If you're returning results with FOR JSON, and you're including data that's already in JSON format (in a column or as the result of an expression), wrap the JSON data withJSON_QUERYwithout thepathparameter. Examples Example 1 The following example shows how to return a JSON fragment from...
In the Goessner implementation a JsonPath can return eitherPathorValue.Valueis the default and what all the examples above are returning. If you rather have the path of the elements our query is hitting this can be achieved with an option. ...
"b":bigint, "c":bigint>. When you query data from the table, MaxCompute can prune columns based on the public schema. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be read and improves query efficiency. The following code shows a query example. ...
If the JSON text contains duplicate properties - for example, two keys with the same name on the same level - the JSON_VALUE and JSON_QUERY functions return only the first value that matches the path. To parse a JSON object that contains duplicate keys and return all values, use OPENJSON...
If the JSON text contains duplicate properties - for example, two keys with the same name on the same level - theJSON_VALUEandJSON_QUERYfunctions return only the first value that matches the path. To parse a JSON object that contains duplicate keys and return all values, useOPENJSON, as sh...
Executing the SQL/JSON path query in DbVisualizer. 2. Find the players who have achieved the “Victory” accomplishment in a tabular format Copy 1SELECTjsonb_path_query("data",'$.players[*] ? (@.achievements[*] =="First Victory")')ASplayer2FROM"configs"34WHERE"id"= 1; ...
The following example uses PATH mode with theFOR JSONclause: SQL SELECTid, firstNameAS"info.name", lastNameAS"info.surname", age, dateOfBirthASdobFROMPeopleFORJSONPATH; TheFOR JSONclause formats SQL results as JSON text that can be provided to any app that understands JSON. The PATH option...
Each match for thepathpreceding theCOLUMNSkeyword maps to an individual row in the result table. For example, the following query gives the result shown here: mysql>SELECT *->FROM->JSON_TABLE(->'[{"x":2,"y":"8"},{"x":"3","y":"7"},{"x":"4","y":6}]',->"$[*]" COLU...
Consider, for example, ajson_queryquery to retrieve a JSON object. What happens if the path expression matches a JSON scalar value instead of an object, or it matches multiple JSON values (of any kind)? You might want to retrieve the matched values instead of raising an error. ...